The CMMG 9mm AR Conversion Magazine allows you to load 9mm into your Gen II or Gen III PMAG and shoot safely using your Standard AR15 Lower. The system is absolutely brilliant and works perfectly. These magazines will only be compatible with a CMMG 9mm Radial Delayed Blowback operating system.
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Host: Joel Persinger – The GunGuy
– Co-Founder & CEO of Practical Defense Systems
– NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor
Video & Audio Production: Nick Persinger – The Camera Guy
About comments: Positive and negative comments are welcome. Please feel free. That said, I believe in being respectful of others, so “trolling” comments and comments that contain profanity or sexually explicit material will be deleted.

– CMMG RESOLUTE 300 Series 9mm Upper
: https://cmmginc.com/product/upper-group-resolute-300-mkgs-9mm/
– 9mm AR Conversion 10rd Magazine
: https://cmmginc.com/product/magazine-9-ar-conversion-10rd/
– 9mm AR Conversion Adaptor Magazine 3-Pack
: https://cmmginc.com/product/adapter-magazine-9-ar-conversion-10-30rd-3-pack/
Are you allowed a tactical light or laser on your AR or dose that count as offensive
My question is why would the government not want you to be able too defend yourself using a forend grip on a pistol AK or AK if it's in defense of your life
From crew of 6Delta6.com we love your channel.could you do a video on the khar ct9 it's my every day concealment its tight to body and I can hit from 100 yards dead on.
Don't eat 2 much !!
But you don't realize through your callousness just how many innocent lives those "features" being off is saving, and you probably don't even care !!!
They'll just make all of it illegal stop educating them
Thank you! Great video!
you can still have handstops on your featureless rifle. Please try other ways of gripping the rifle. It's jumping all over. Try extending your arm and pulling towards you. It will make a huge difference.
At $875 MSRP I can't see the savings for switching over to a different caliber. Add the cost of magazines. You still have to buy the 9mm ammo, it won't be free. You can also buy complete rifles in 9mm for way less than the cost of this upper. So again, what's the point of this product?
I love that you articulated exactly why I did an AR build for HD!
Great video!
It will be fun to bring my AR9 to my local range where high power rifles are not permitted (556, 300blk etc.)
Another great review! Very interesting set up.
Thanks for this video Joel. God bless you and your family.
if you live in a state without 2nd amendment values…
I'm so sorry. This video broke my heart. I love your channel and I look forward to seeing your next. Just the thought of what you have to do to own a firearm in your state makes me sick and I live in Illinois. You and I are both men. We live in the same country. We live under the same Constitution. We both are close in age. We both have about the same knowledge of firearms but I think you come out ahead. Yet it is like we are on two different planets. All the crap you have to go through to own a common firearm just because of your state. That video made me sad. You deserve every right that the rest of America deserves. The 2A is there for everyone. My friend FortuneCookie45LC Steve lives in the Sacramento area and he always looks at the bright side of things. He doesn't own a AR platform rifle. He is like me he loves his Thompson Contender's and old S&W revolvers. He taught me how to cast and powder coat many years ago. I think of you guys and how geographical locations can alter the political thoughts so drastically. It just makes me wonder what happened to the America I grew up in. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I'm getting ready to move out of Illinois to like Tennessee or Missouri. At least I will be close to my favorite firearms mail order stores for my reloading needs. In my city there are only 2 gun stores and 2 shooting ranges. One is a club I belong to. The range close to me usually charge $25 a hour. My gun club the pine tree pistol club is great and I have 24/7 access to it and I can set up my equipment and have a 20 bay range to myself. I just can't shoot certain calibers there. That's my problem because I love the 7.62×25 Tokarev round and I can't shoot it there. I have several firearms in that caliber. I also like to shoot 30 Luger not much different but it's still a no go. The only rifle I can shoot there is 22lr ur Magnum. I have both in my T/C and in my AR platform rifle. Plus I have a few pre WW2 22LR rifles. What I don't have is a place to shoot 1,000+ yards. When I lived in Denver it was only a few hours to get to the Whittington center and that was a weekend for my dad and I. The best memories of shooting with my dad. We made Shooting a gambling sport. Well I guess fishing also. Sorry you brought back some great memories with my pops. That is why I am so passionate about shooting and reloading because it was something that only him and I did. My brother was too busy with his skateboard. There are a few states that need to cool thier jets. That's something my dad would say. They just can't get it through thier thick heads that firearm people are good people. We look out for each other and will help when ever we can. I can tell you are the same way. It would be nice to run into you at the range sometime. I know it would be a great time. I think I'm going to make a video on this in the next few days. I am the Thanksgiving cook for the family. Somehow I took over the job from my mom and wife. I would love to give you a huge shout out in the video. My channel is very small but I have 70% of my subs from Europe and Japan and a few from down under. Unfortunately YouTube has removed a majority of my videos. I don't know why they are picking on me but oh well I'm going to keep going until they pull my plug. That's why I'm part of the Reloader's Network. I have to figure out how to make teasers on YouTube and redirect everyone to the Reloader's Network. Sorry this is so long. You have a great day and Happy Shooting.
I have a Oly upper that used sten mags with a welded block. I wonder if those mags would work for me as well. The upper is blow back and the lower is standard ar platform. Thanks

Being able to wrap your thumb around that pistol grip turns the rifle into a weapon of mass destruction.
Why not just buy a Ruger PC9 carbine with hand guard? I have 1 and i like it and it uses my glock magazine's no need to change anything on my Ar
That grip fin thing is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. They really say that's going to make it harder to shoot up a school? That's absurd.
With this upper does anything extend into the buffer tube? If not then this should work well with several of the magazine locked lowers.
Although I have never seen one, I imagine there are videos that agree with you on 9mm penetrating walls more effectively than 223, but that isn't my experience. I have attached a link to a Vigilant Elite video showing a penetration test which shows the opposite.
Would this or could it be considered a precursor part?
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Joel.
Joel, greetings from NorCal. Stay classy, Sir! Happy Thanksgiving!
I've been running 9ARC mags from CMMG on my CMMG conversion kit for abt half a year and haven't had any issues.
Okay I haven't watched the video yet but why would you change your 5.56/.223 upper to 9mm I'm assuming it's the same price, also I have 30 round mags and dual 30 round mags for my AR-15 nothing special most people have them around here in Florida.