I do some shooting with the new CMMG Banshee chambered in 10mm, test its accuracy, discuss how its performed so far, and what I think of it overall
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Music by Machinima & Epidemic Sound
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They’re in stock at BDU like he mentioned here: https://lddy.no/d0j6
Music sucks! Sorry.
Interested in what type of floppy hat you wore here because of the ear muff security straps, enjoy your channel BTW
the sling attachment is junk. its squared off and digs into your hand when manipulating the selector. something that isn't a straight edge like the cqd sling endplate is better. for 1600.00 they tossed in cheap parts with no frills.
FYI, it’s called a pistol caliber carbine semi-automatic smg pistol
I need that hat! (lol)
I picked up the Banshee 300 Mk10 with "Midnight Bronze" cerakote. Its a beautiful gun and tons of fun to shoot. I wish 10mm ammo was less expensive but I knew what I was getting myself into.
Tim at MAC will definitely want one.
Those groups were pretty damn impressive GnG, looks like an awesome pistol
I have been holding off getting a mm carbine as which to buy MPX, Scorpion, etc, and now I know what I am getting the only draw back is the price of the ammo. but this is a great platform and the accuracy is great! Thanks for this great review!!
Is there a 10mm pistol out where i can fold the stock. I want to be able to put it in my backpack when I'm not using it and I have limited space to store things in my bug out bag. so I need a folding stock.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving
I assume the 10mm Banshee lower is different than the 9mm Banshee lower?
I've always felt that a 10 mm with a 10 to 12" barrel would be sooooo effective for everything home defense and even military entry weapon for it's increased lethality at longer distances such as 50-75-100 yds
That looks like a good crop there in the field this year. How 'bout rolling up a fatty and passing it over to me.
10mm when you have to shoot through obstacles but still have to use a pistol.
Prediction for 2020, the 10mm will still die a slow death. Too expensive, doesn't do anything special and has more recoil than needed.
tip to butt… you too have been watching too much garandthumb
Love the channel, but the intro music is absolutely horrible.
Time to get an Echo trigger and really blow some $$
Why do I wanna smoke some fine English latakia pipe tobacco!?!
What do you think of something like a KVP linear comp on one of these?
What do you think of something like a KVP linear comp on one of these?
Do they make stuff in the “Other” set up ?
What's with always using crap music for the intro?
Play to your viewers man, most of us dont listen to that.
How about some country or rock?
Hell, how about a cassette recording of Aboriginal Pygmies screwing in a garbage can?
Anything would be better than what I had to fast forward through.
Like the vids and Semper Fi.
Since I'm a Glock .40S&W fan boy, I would stick to the .40 version of it and allready have a gazilion mags for it. :>)
I by the way understand that out of an 8"brl, the 180gr .40 gets some 100 to 150fps more speed out the muzle, wich would put it right there with most 180 gr 10mm, out of a 5"brl pistol? Does anyone know for a fact? Thanks!
I have the 45acp version, love it!
Better than any AK based PCC

40mm is the best millimeter.
This is a ghost gun…."pistol caliber pistol", 30 bullets in half a second lol
Thank you for reviewing a weapon or other systems and not wearing every piece of cool guy gear you have, plus the kitchen sink.
Great vid n details as always Mike
No advertisement! Demonization fascists at work! Bad..bad…American Citizen.
Not one single goose! ….I miss them :o/
Mr. GnG,
Would you rather have this or the B&T USW-G20 on a Glock 40?
Anybody else struck by the irony of adding lead to tobacco growing soil?
I hate seeing glock mags in ARs so much. Something about seeing that rearward sloping mag in an AR causes an irrational hatred to well up in me.
This is a great option for us 10MM fanboys what a great addition to go with my Smith revolver and 1911 in 10MM
Literally my dream gun
I'm only here because MrGNG. I'm so fucking sick of AR PCCs. And guys getting so excited about the new ones like it's any different from the last 40.
I want one of these in 9mm.
Backer fields in the background. Eastern NC