Let’s build the Bufferless AR Pistol aka the Brownells BRN-180S…..I hope this works
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What kind of baseplate is on that mag? It looks unique. What’s its purpose?
For future reference on the B.A.D. Lever: it’s meant to fit mil-spec bolt releases. I imagine they intentionally make it a little loose so that it will still fit if you get a bolt release that’s slightly out of spec. If you know for certain you want it on a gun and don’t intend on removing it you can put some epoxy resin in there to fill the gap and take out the slop, but that’s kinda a permanent fix so make sure you want it first.
I'm cool if you want to build your car but you better not just paint your gun to match your car because I would loose a lot of respect for you.
With my bad lever what I did because I had the same problem was I went ahead and too “shoeglu” and put it on the catch and then put the bad lever over it so it filled in all the places with slop and it wouldn’t wiggle
Magpul bad levers are usually pretty loose. You should try a phase5 bad lever instead.
Do you profit any actual money from this channel or just sponsors? Curious cause I want to start a gun channel but commie YouTube doesn’t like guns, and I wanna be able to use YouTube money eventually to support the channel
Forget the badd lever. It’s too loose for me. I use Phase 5 extended bolt release. It’s one solid piece and have it on nearly all my guns.
I really wonder how many ars you have. You always building them and showing something new. Love the content.
As for the BAD lever, there is going to be a little play due to length and leverage. That being said the actual bolt release on the lower matters as you found out. Its pretty handy and very lightweight but it isn't guaranteed compatible on whatever/whichever parts you may have/use. Nice build man.
Hey I have the bad lever, I simply put a piece of cloth in between the lever and the paddle before installing. Nice tight fit
Will you ever consider making an AR10 308 recce type build? Something with a 1-8x scope or 3-12x with an offset Holosun 507C? Lightweight rifle, good for close quarters and long range? Ambi parts wherever possible, and with a Magpul bipod
Phase 5 battle Latch ambi charging will look good in your build.they also have the ambi switch lever. Also in anodized red to match your trigger
I love the magpul bad lever but I've had the same issue where it's loose one rifle and tighter on the other I stuck a very small piece of cardboard inside then screwed it down but be sure to loctite the screw cause it will start to walk out eventually. But anyway keep up the great work bro love the channel
Know I'm a bit late to the part on the response, but… When I was building my AR, I noticed the same thing. Added a B.A.D. Lever on to my lower before I had all the parts for my upper even arrive. It was rather wiggly as well, no matter how tightly I had it screwed down. But, once I had the upper and bolt added, the wiggle disappeared. I've only built the one AR so far, so I'm by no means an expert, but I suspect the bolt carrier group helps stabilize the bolt release further.
Yep the bad level sucks. Got one and immediately realized I wasted $20 bucks Definitely rather have a G maratine bolt release
I ran an AR180 back in the 1980’s the Armalite manual of arms called for you to pull back on the bolt handle to release the bolt to feed a rd off the magazine from bolt lock. The BR 180 upper takes advantage of all the bells and whistles of the AR15 lower. It would be nice to see if someone could mill a aluminum bolt handle and anodizing it red. The other thing is the bolt cycling is more violate and I’m wondering if the bolt release lever will hold up to it.
Civic type r!

I've had same/similar issue with the BAD lever, but it's because the bolt catch is wiggly. My plan is to take it off; I don't like things that wiggle.
Funny, I'm sitting here thinking how ridiculous it is to talk about AR fashion…colors, etc….yet, I will admit it's just fun.
Get a good bad lever with a set screw because all parts are made different dimensionally an AR-15 civilian stock tube different diameter than military That's why collapsible stocks rattle same with slide release paddles different companies make them different sizes
I had a similar issues running the BAD lever with the Aero bolt catch. I switched it out with another one I had from a PSA build kit and that fixed the issue. The Aero bolt catch was thinner than the PSA.
Really cool build so far. Not sure about that brace though. It’s probably not going to give you the most comfortable cheek point of contact.
sweep the finger down to activate the bad lever. DO NOT push on it. reason i say that is multiple people have had ND's because their finger has slipped off the lever and onto the trigger.
ClickBaitwhich shouldn't surprise me with this guntuber… this has been done, multiple times…./sighYou need to get the Phase5 Extended Bolt release. I put them on all my rifles and pistols. Their ROCK solid!
Still waiting to see a ar10 pistol build!!
My B.A.D. Lever loosend enough while I was training with my AR pistol. I'd never use one on a firearm that I'd use to defend life with.
Please do a review of one of the harry's holsters
I’ve thought about doing a build with the ar 180 upper and a sig brace but I couldn’t swallow the pricetag.
Aero precision LPKs use a smaller than milspec bolt catch (atleast in my experience). I had to change mine out on the last build I used a bad lever on.
Can you swap a .22 upper for a 5.56.
Ditch the BAD lever and go with the Phase 5 EBR v2.
I have issues with most of not all of my BAD levers at first but just put some electrical tape on the bolt catch before install and takes slop and wiggle out ……ohhhh and greetings from COMUFORNIA!
Any of those bolt release levers have a little play. Use silicone, super glue or JB Weld.
Ppl who dont like cars and guns together on one page is boring . How can you not love cars, bikes, guns . Sounds like a great platform either way.. great page brotha
isn't the Olympic arms OA98 the first bufferless AR pistol?
i like odin works parts A+
My BAD levers also wiggled a little but not that much. I thought it was as tight as it goes but it actually tightens a little more and then it doesn’t wiggle anymore. I’m guessing your paddle was a little smaller than mil spec because that was more wiggle than normal
Get a phase 5 bolt release its one whole Piece they have some awesome parts check them out
For my last BAD lever install, I had to use a small piece of foam to clap on the bolt catch to stop the wiggling
By far my favorite YouTube guy chill as hell and always making some awesome builds do a back and red multicam or black and red tiger stripe camo gun
I have a B. A. D lever on all my AR and it wiggles a little with the (mil spec) bolt catch , not independent like yours seems to be doing . Something isn't right with yours it's not sposed to do that
phase 5 one piece bolt release v3 lever $49.99
Bad levers are garbage actually had one break off during a tactical carbine course. Your best bet it to get a lower milled for ambi use. if you want to stick with a lever/ bolt catch combo get the phase five weapons system ambi lever it's amazing.
I have 3 BAD Levelers and they all have that wiggle.
I’m doing the same thing with my mustang. I’ve been contemplating between the Tavor, Bren 2 pistol, or an mp5 clone. Any recommendations?