Home CMMG Ar15 anderson arms pistol lower overview

Ar15 anderson arms pistol lower overview


Correction on the speed plates they are 3 for $15 just felt like I had to clear that up. Anderson arms lower ($75 at my lgs), CMMG Lower parts kit (I had a coupon for cabelas and got it for $70, they usually run $75-80), magpul maid 1.1 grip ($35 at my local cabelas), ATI pistol buffer tube w/ spring & buffer ($50 from my local cabelas), magpul asap backplate/sling attachment($30 from my local cabelas), magpul 20rd pmag w/ magpul speed plate ($13 for pmag and $15 for speed plates at my local cabelas).

I included prices I paid for specific parts obviously if your doing a budget lower you would probably save your money and order a lpk online and also not but the asap or maid grip due to the fact that they are parts already included in your lpk and buffer tube kit these are just cosmetic and personal preferences on how I wanted mine to be set up and feel in my hands.

Links for tools in video

Wheeler roll pin kit:

Ar15 tool:

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