Let’s talk about my second favorite rifle in my collection. After multiple challenges and a successful hog hunt, the Scout AR 15 has proven to be more than a collection of components: it’s a purposeful and flexible machine.
Full Playlist:
Equipment List:
1. CMMG Stripped Lower
2. Anderson Stripped Upper:
3. CMMG Bolt Carrier Group:
4. CMMG 16″ Stainless Barrel (5.56, mid-length, 1:7″ twist):
5. CMMG Gas Tube:
6. CMMG Lower Completion Kit:
7. CMMG Upper Completion Kit:
8. RISE Armament RA-140 SST:
9. ATI Tactlite Mil-Spec Furniture:
10: ATI X2 Grip:
11. CMMG Mk4 Charging Handle:
12. KNS Pins:
13. ATI Slim Free-Float Forend (15″):
14. CMMG Gas Block (0.750″):
15. Amend2 Magazines (FDE):
16. Ultradyne C4 Sights:
17. Nikon Force XR EER Scope:
18. GrovTec Quick Adjust Sling (FDE):
19. GrovTec Push Button Picatinny Base:
19. GrovTec Flanged Push Button Base:
20. Modern Spartan Systems Starter Kit:
21. Falcon S8i 1-8x Scope:
22. Bushnell TRS-25 Red Dot Sight:
23. Leapers UTG .83″ Riser Mount:
24. Weaver 30mm Scope Mount:
To be honest, the performance and handling of this rifle surprised me even though I carefully selected each part to meet a certain need. The total result is even better than I imagined. It’s light, quick, accurate, and just darn handy. Even more surprising, I can pick from a handful of sights and scopes and take care of business at a variety of distances. There were only two let-downs. The Amend 2 magazines stopped working after being loaded for a while, and the .223 chambering didn’t overwhelm big hogs. We’ll fix the latter problem by slapping a 350 Legend upper on top sometime soon.
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Kyle Broderick, The Social Regressive
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As to projectile size, I'd suggest shooting hogs with a 55 gr. The heavier bullets have better BCs, but they don't fragment or transfer as much energy as lighter ones do. Using a 77 gr hunting bullet instead of a match bullet may do the job though, but I'd look into lighter options as well.
that is not a silencer. that is a suppressor. silencers are illegal.. right? @The Social Regressive. dude clean your fingernails that 22:44 right hand ring finger nail is gross. 25:54 left thumb. you were supposed to be afforable smart AR guy.. but this seems like just AR guy.. how much have you spent on this rifle now? and all the others you have made? have you sold any of them off? are there buyers for nicely tuned tech? how many hours have you spent.. you need to get back to the ORGINS of this channel we aren't here for Demo Ranch stuff. The Patreon link should have all the tuning, chrono and "boring stuff". One rifle that you are GREAT at and you love. This supposed to be highlights. "SKRATCHESES"? the strap scratched the wiful? Why oh why didn't you just get ONE AK and get good at it.? 28:42 ALSO DID YOU GET NICKED with that stupid IPHONE APP? Have you told people about it? 30:36 So you have a Red dot and a scope. why did you not mount the red dot on side left, keep scope top and drop brass down. Keep it mounted! 37:19 no.. plastic is nonsense unless you leave them 80% empty. They need metal lips. like normal mags. Also heat will deform plastic. and affect all the other rounds. every IraqVet88 always drops in that drum and it will always fail… I will delete this in a day don't worry. please for FFS get back to affordable and smart tech.
That’s a well thought out build. I would suggest a soft point or a expanding solid over the hollow points
Great video!
Interesting @350 legend. I was thinking 6.5 Grendel. Can't really use full size pmags, but they hit harder, and still have light recoil.
I’ve waiting for this!! Thanks!!!
thats a government profile barrel
Very stable looking setup and that pistol grip looks very comfy.
I got the bell on!
Cool video

Nice build. I wish I could have one. Sadly AR's are now banned in New Zealand.

So shoot it lots and have a great time with it
I tried to relay this message to as many people as I could and sure enough I had over 50 notifications turned off and was unsubbed from about 20 different channels i was previously subbed to before I found this out this morning and fixed it
Everyone be sure to check your subscriptions as you tube is going thru not only deleting them but turning off notifications for them also
Found about 50 of my subscriptions with the notifications turned off and a bunch of subscriptions missing yesterday on my own channel and no doubt that only happens to gun channels and no one else
Found this out for a fact when I saw 204 subs on my channel this morning and only about ten minutes later I only had 202
Ask yourself this question, Who subs to a channel then unsubs minutes later?…The answer is no one but you tube would do a thing like that and to only gun channels is what I'm seeing
If your wondering why your view count is down that is why
Also because you tube and google do not have drug testing for their employees is the only other reason I can think of
It’s been so long since I saw this series I actually got my first AR. I’ll have to rewatch the whole thing.
Don't know about the scout ar concept but I like that you think outside the box and always have a great presentation.