A quick video of the firearms I use to protect my home and why I chose them.
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One thing I have to say as a general point: Be very careful with muzzle brakes and comps on short rifles. They are extremely loud, and in a tight space (hallways and bathrooms, looking at you) can easily rupture an eardrum if the overpressure hits at the right angle.
Pistols not so much, but on rifles you gotta pick the right one or you're going to be in for a bad day. Wasn't too long ago a guy got killed by police after shooting an intruder, and my money is on him not being able to hear them (failure to comply). They aren't the worst thing ever for property defense or pest control, but I wouldn't recommend running them indoors for most people.
My home defense weapon is a pregnant mother from Florida…..
i got me a scorpion evo a3 with a fmk 9c1, love 9mm.
No prayers for the fool that breaks into your home
Excellent point, Honest: Only count on what you train with.
What 9mm would you start out for beginners
Are you going to try to get ur hands on the Alien Pistol when it comes out?
How do you like the Hypertap vs. the M4-72?
Hawkeye hat was a surprise with you living in Ames
I’m sure I’m going to catch a lot of shit for this considering it’s a rimfire but when I was younger and first getting into firearms. My nightstand pistol used to be a colt woodsman match .22
Not exactly the most ideal defensive weapon but that’s what my grandfather taught me to shoot on when I was little, and at the time I didn’t really have a big collection. So like you said use what you’re comfortable with. To this day I can still drive thumb tacs into a 2×4 with that thing.
But of course I’ve since upgraded for if there’s a bump in the night.
What a nice Glock 34, also great video! Also any chance on some form on the Taurus Raging Hunter? They do have one in 357
"Just one I found."
“I was a Glock guy for a long long time”, and his 2 most likely home defense handguns are still 2 glocks. I’d hate to see if you was still a Glock guy lol.
I’m very happy to hear that you’re saying mark 18 instead of emkay like some lousy civilian.
What rail is on that AR?
It should be illegal to defend with a AR15. It's Overkill and not fair to your victim.
Can I be your wife? I have teets and a dong. Its extremely sexy I tell ya.
That is so tacticool.
One of the reasons the Japanese say they did not invade the U.S. after Pearl Harbor? Millions of “hunters,” aka, gun owners.
Now it’s Honest Outlaw I hear.
But, Vote accordingly.
Got balls to shoot steel that close. I was 30 yards away and a shard came back and hit me.
Safe, fire, honest outlaw
Three questions, how can you shoot steel that close with 556 and not damage it (pitting)? At 9:22 it looks like that full size target is starting to bend in half. Is that right? And when the hell are we going to see more of the Hayes Custom RIA 2011 and get a comparison with the CZ Shadow 2?
That SBR must be brain-scramblingly loud with that brake.
Honest outlaw I would like too send you the oz9 to review. How would I send it too you.
Same thought process for me… I’m getting a Ruger Mini 14, but it won’t become my home defense gun. I have been shooting and hunting with my Winchester 1300 for 20 years – it will stay as my home defense gun as a result.
I should add – that I have hunting setups for it and home defense setups, but the operation is the same comfortable and familiar arrangement. That’s why it will always be my home defense gun, even when I have other options.
What about Hornady Black in a 14.5 pinned and welded?
Good selection
No 12 gauge? You are disappointing me, now I'm sad, your guilty

Many gun owners I meet due to the way i am dressed when i am out don't practice as they should
I learned a lesson many years ago about carrying different brand name guns at the range and I was lucky they lesson was learned at the range and not on the street
I have different brands of firearms but he only one I carry is the Glock 45 of the model 41
I will not carry any of the other brands due to that lesson I learned at the range of always changing brands when going out 

Thanks for sharing this very interesting info.
Your videos are great man. Keep it up
How can some people grab their glock slide with 2 fingers and rack it like there’s no weight holding it back? Mines takes more force than that lol
Glock 30 in .45acp with small O-light attached. Shotgun in the closet.
Great video as always.
I shoot shotguns a lot that's my gun of choice. I think the most destructive deadly wepon a person can one