Home AR-15 PSA 10.5" Pistol.

PSA 10.5" Pistol.


Watch until the end. You will be glad you did. want one? check the link.

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  1. I know this is last years video, but I have a question for you if you see this.

    Q: With my 16" barreled AR I hold quite forward, I have some concern about where my left hand will end up on a 10.5 inch barrel, if there is a reason to suddenly get up at 3 am. I know the 2nd one you got is a Magpul grip so there are M-lok slots along the base. Have you mounted anything there? A grip? a light? A Laser? I feel like I would want a hand stop of some kind, but am not sure if it would clutter up such a short grip.

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