More info on the Angstadt UDP-9 build here –
An AR that shoots 9mm from Glock mags, eh? That’s what the Angstadt UDP-9 does. It isn’t the only AR to do so (there are a ton out there) but it is arguably one of the best. Commonly referred to as an AR9, these little AR weapon systems are compatible with a lot of your standard AR-15 components, but can typically be built into a much smaller package. I like Glocks, I like 9mm, I like ARs – so the Angstadt UDP-9 honestly makes a lot of sense.
*QUICK DISCLAIMER* No sites that sell guns were mentioned in the video or will be linked below, no prohibited items or accessories were displayed in the video or are linked below, all magazines (clips) are standard capacity. No modifications were made to the gun to increase rate of fire or anything silly like that. All YouTube’s guidelines have been followed and no policies broken.
Trijicon RMR –
Scalarworks mount –
Law Tactical AR Folding Stock Adapter –
Magpul RSA-QD Rail Sling Mount –
Vertx Transit Sling –
Premier custom armor panel –
Code “LLOD” saves big on both of the above.
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Joby GorillaPod –
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Lumix G9 –
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Expensive lens –
Wireless lapel mic –
Cheap Mic –
VERTX (LLOD for 25% off) –
Premier Armor (LLOD for 10% off) –
FieldCraft Survival (LLOD for 10% off) –
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OpticsPlanet (LLOD5 for 5% off)
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Chief Ammo –
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6:27 "That's what she said"
Dont mean to get all legal on you but wants your length of pull to the end of that brace….im just looking for a set up like that and not trying to have my pet shot in a raid lmfao
Just buy an HK SP5K if your going this route. Why compromise quality over crap. You clearly want an MP5
You can shoulder a brace btw free men don't ask permission
a 6" 9 mil….just get a glock 34 with an RMR?
That recoil looks gnarly. Ar platform doesn’t do well with 9mm.
OAL determine whether u can run a vert grip or not. Less than 26 inches over all then no, more than 26 inches then yes u can. It is then considered AOW i.e. any other weapon
Why not get a fucking thread protector then?
Sorry but that exposed thread bs sir is moronic.
Nothing wrong with being a Glock owner and choosing to get the old school Colt mag pattern lowers… Lot better looking imo
Per ATF letter… you can shoulder a brace dude
Why would you need a brace for a 9mm?
Would you build it again?
Hey bud, that jacket you’re wearing at the beginning of the video… where can I find and what’s it’s called or do you have a personal link to it?
I heard the music @1:00 on a channel called life uncontained
Feeling cute…. might build an AR for social media.
Looks awesome! Can’t you use the QD mount that is on the side of the handguard instead of the one you attached?
I love your build – have you considered adding a KAK slim can or something to the end of the barrel to "round it off"? Would that be beneficial?
so you're saying for fact that you can fire a single round with the stock folded with no damage? not trying to be a smart ass, but I just remember when law tactical first came out they said it would require being sent back to the factory for repair if you did that on their gen 1 folder. so i'm hoping they fixed it on gen 3
Very nice review with some top quality accessories.
What buffer and spring are you using
Make a holster for it.
What kind of folding device are you using on the ar 9 pistol?
Thank you Mike. Can you please point us to the info about that course?
very nice
I'm gonna challenge you to rethink what you said a 5.56. -7.5 inch barrel is still accurate up to 250yrds check out the video !
Also dont forget that 556 in a short ass barrel is loud af especially inside a house.
where to find that Buffer tube?
Don't like the trigger…Looks like a piece of cheap flat iron
More Gucci AR's & GLOCKS!
Camo job is nice !
Slick Little Setup
Did you just claim that your range toy usurps the MP5?
Awesome extremely beautiful pistol, loved the camo paint job!
Why an AR 9 ? Because a 33rd mag looks silly in a Glock 19
I thought there was dumbass law that says you can't shoulder a pistol to discharge it, something about SBR bullshit
it looked like a ultra modified tec9 in the thumbnail
Why isn't your safety on mate. You know the rules.
I love it
Awesome build. How did you get a 9mm bcg to work with the folding stock adapter? Did you remove the weight in the bcg?
That thing looks bad ass. How much do they run?
You need to move. Satan lives in Colorado. He runs it.
Flat out… Badass.
Looks a lot better and lighter than an mp5!!! Nice Paint!!!
Oh my I just dropped a ball ! This pistol pushes excellency Ricky bobby
15:30 lol
Do they have this in 10mm using Glock magazines?