Home StreamLight A useful EDC Gadget: Streamlight Keymate

A useful EDC Gadget: Streamlight Keymate


#EDC #Everydaycarry #flashlight

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In this video I review the streamlight microstream keychain light, a great practical light for your keychain. Get one through this link to support the channel

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  1. Love streamlight products – yet to be disappointed by one. Thanks for the review/overview, had one of their older keychain lights on the shopping list but thought it would be too obtuse on a keychain. This style clearly could still be improved, but it will at least lay well on a keychain without making carrying a hassle. Recharge feature is very welcome, hate those tiny 'watch batteries'

  2. If you need a light to be able to identify your keys, find the keyholes you use on a daily basis and be able to walk through your own house, then all your idea’s about preparedness and your priorities are wrong! You should be able to do all these things blindly!
    You think there is any light that is going to help you when you wake up from your fire alarm and you can barely see a few feet through the smoke?
    You will burn with all your fancy “preparedness” gadgets.

  3. looks like a good little gadget, but i think 360deg would tend to tick you off as it would be shining into your eyes. so..270deg would be better, just my opinion and preference. Cheers for sharing.

  4. I agree with previous comments about the 180 degree of light, and that 360 degrees would end up blinding you at night. It would be nice if the Canadian Prepper store could carry this product. Also one other product that I saw that was really interesting was from TheUrbanPrepper's channel, the Nitecore VCL10, an EDC cigarette lighter to USB device that also acts as a flashlight that can sit in your vehicle, and when you get in to trouble can use it as a glass breaker or magnetically attach it to the outside of your vehicle to act as an emergency signal. Anyway I like the Canadian Prepper store, it is filled with high quality products with very competitive prices. I hope that the scope of products offered increases in the future (just maintain the high quality standards).

  5. So you want a key light that has 360 degree coverage, just buy the Streamlight 50/50 that gives you the option of operating either 180 degree or 360…what they don't make it?…well then I just invented it..your welcome…Those Baofeng UV-82HP's are excellent entry level radios, (dang my BF-F8HP is already outdated), really important that you can power down to 1 watt when you don't want or need extended range, when operating simplex (2 way)..It would be nice to carry the Nagoya Na-771 whip antenna's since you're going to want to replace the stock antenna's & also get the extended battery packs…Just get ready to brace yourself Canadian for all the Ham radio "gear queers," who are going to trash your choice in brands down the road, since if you don't have a $300.00+ Japanese Yaesu or Kenwood,..well you just suck…good gear review…

  6. nifty, just the parts on it and the shapes those have make me convinced some cool EDC (keychain) flashlights are coming down the road. Especially once people come off the OMW moar lumens are moar everything!

  7. I only have one key ring for my truck and the house keys. The rest of my keys stay on another key ring in my pocket. I don't want light when I am in a hurry to enter my house. However I do live out in the middle of nowhere and have lights that come on when I pull up to the house on all four corners of the house and barn as well as the porch. There is also a Gate that I come through at the entrance to the farm about a half mile from the house that will only open with my code. There are also four trained German Shepherds that have free range on approx. two acres of fenced area around the house and barn area. There are also two Missouri Red Mules in the barn that hate anyone but me and my wife and kids that will attack anyone they don't know inside those couple of acres. Prepare and Prep according to your homestead area!

  8. Just use your single AAA battery keychain torch and cup your hands around it/up agaist a wall. It has more use. Use standard rechargeable AAAs Eneloop ect.
    I respect you and your mutt but don't tell me you ain't got a key chain light anyway. I'm from Mcr. UK and if i've been using one for years I know you've been using one for years and years.

  9. I'd like it a lot more if it had a small blade on it, I already have a flashlight on my phone if I need it & who go's anywhere without their phone these days?…redundant & a waste of $$$… Sorry brother, swing & a miss.

  10. Can't agree with this choice of flashlight.
    Get the nitecore USB flashlight, its 7$-10$. It is small enough to replace zipper grips and does a 45 lumens light (on high). All around a better choice of light. You can also get hat clips (or make one out of a staple)

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