#officerinvolvedshooting #Phoenixbodycam #PhoenixPoliceDepartment
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The Phoenix Police Department is releasing the first Critical Incident Briefing from an officer involved shooting that happened on August 27, 2019.
The factual information including 911 calls, body worn camera, surveillance video and still photographs from the shooting that happened on Palm Lane near 36th Street in Phoenix.
Please note, body worn cameras are set to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which is 7 hours ahead of Arizona.
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: This video is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing the footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. for training purpose, for public safety, to expose an injustice, documenting or foster debate about important events.
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Police Chase 2019 playlist (28 Videos):
Police Dash Cam 2019 Playlist (48 Videos):
Police Chase 2016/2017 Playlist (96 videos):
Police Officer Involved Shooting 2019 Playlist (101 videos):
Damn fool…..people like that need to be publicly flogged…..firing rounds "harmlessly" into the sky has killed people….what goes up must come down.
Did he say he was in "suicide mode" and was "losing it"..?? Yeah, not surprising..
Why on earth would you respond to a shots fired call, knock on the door, and stand there with you pistol holstered..?? Bleeding heart idiots nowadays..
(6:58), Hey, Detective Luis Samudio, what people really want to know is why the police officers who handled the call can't hit the suspect when they're stupidly standing right in front of the LOSER. Jesus, these officers failed Police Academy 101 for Dummies. Not only are they morons, they can't hit the side of a barn standing ten feet away from it. What a bunch of jokers.
Why the officers faces blurred out that shit annoying
Freaking paisa
I'm not a fan of police officers at all. However, in this case I think they did a decent job. The only part they didn't do a decent job on is the guy further like six or seven shots and didn't hit nothing. Whoever the officer is he needs to get his ass back to the range.
Another "Daca child" perhaps?
Seems awful quick on the trigger to me, the guy had no time to comply… unless maybe he was pointing it at them when he opened the door?
Too bad they didn’t end his career of trying to be a bad guy He will hurt someone in the future
How in the Hell did he not get shot? I bet he is Superman?
Wish that guy with the coconuts would stop following that cop around
At 8:43 in his mug shot only half his body has hair on it, wtf!
" i dropped it , i dropped it , i dropped it ,
I'm sorry , I'm sorry , I'm sorry "
That escalated quickly. How is he not dead? Also, can we lobby to get cameras mounted on the barrels of the cops’ guns? The bodycam angles just aren’t cutting it.
Crack kills
This dispatcher is a ideoit!
What was the shooter’s motivation? It sounded like he was “putting down” a sick dog?
He just became the definition of dumb ass.
I was going to bust your chops for not providing any information or even indicating the officer shot. Then I finished watching the video….all good now.
Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.
Remember the 1950's?
Well we want that back.
Why re you resting this?
He was the only one to shoot..and not active his body cam? Not good.
Pop pop pop , call cop cop cop
911 operator are morons!
This it How it goes but next y’all will get him on video doing the things that they don’t want to tell and always the person with the camera is in the back way not in the front we can see everything because he is a one bad Apple ya will is in the future
Ah shit I literally live 2 minutes away from where this happened 32st Mcdowell
Thanks asshole bring more heat on guns, thanks for screwing good gun owners over punk!!!
This guy was on some Keanu Reeves/ the matrix type shit.
I've seen some dumb moves on the part of gun owners, but this one ranks right near the top. He's lucky to be alive.
Its a PRANK bro
Ladies are sleepy
Too Bad the POS Thug was not Shot and Killed,,,,,,perhaps next time.
I got so confused when they first showed the cops bodycam, I was like, is that the Jedi symbol?!
Screaming put it down as he let's his entire magazine loose
Guy has a crack problem
Too much meth in his diet.
That didn’t really sound like ar 15…. people should just mind there own business and stop calling the cops if they ain’t getting hurt.
I’d rather live in a trailer park than Phoenix, that’s how horrible that place is.
Smoke detector says
If you got em, smoke em!
Yasss! Let me stand directly in FRONT of the door so he can have a CLEAR shot at BOTH of us!! WELL DONE
Guess they’ve never heard of a desk pop
Shoots with ar15 into the air lmao