Home StreamLight Ultra-Compact Streamlight KeyMate USB Light

Ultra-Compact Streamlight KeyMate USB Light


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  1. Handy small light, shame it didn't have an S.O.S. flashing mode, however, it does at least flash and it could be charged by a power bank if running low. Nice one, I saw a cheaper version somewhere, but to be honest, that light is miles ahead of the cheap one. I like it as it can be charged. One question, does it charge from 5Vdc or 12vDC or is it a smaller voltage? If so that would not work with a power bank. Can you charge it from a car? Questions, questions, questions! But I don't think you said, but I was interrupted a couple of times by family, so I may have missed it.

  2. This sounds perfect for so many people! I can think of a few people that may very well be finding this either for their birthdays or in a Christmas stocking. 😉 Thanks! I really like that you review so many different things and do so in a very comprehensive way!

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