Home Nikon $1500 Scope Showdown

$1500 Scope Showdown


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  1. Thank you for doing the low light comparison, can you do a video or article on $1500+ tactical scopes?

    Really don't understand the nasty comments, did you pay to watch this? did someone force you to watch the video? if you think you this video wasted your time, why spend more time writing nasty comments?? too much reality TV?

  2. Thumbs up. Great review mate. Well spoken. Didnt get bogged down in finicky nonsense.
    Didnt get into your personal likes dislikes. Just facts and backed up photos.
    Well done.
    Im leaning Leupold with different retical.

  3. This guy has no clue what makes a quality scope. My $300 SWFA will outperform every scope on that table except for maybe the Nightforce when it comes to repeat-ability, tractability, and holding a zero. The glass (might) be better in some of those scopes, but if it won't hold (or return) to zero, or track correctly, you are only going to get a nice clear view of your misses.

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