Home AR-15 Carbon 15 Bushmaster first day shoot

Carbon 15 Bushmaster first day shoot


Running the buddy’s Carbon 15 with Bushnell red dot. First time we fired it…didn’t go as well as we would have liked.

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  1. The rifle ran fine with the 1st mag. On the 2nd mag. it was having FTL issues. Well this is clearly in the magazine then. All you wanabe gunsmiths that keep taking about the ejector and steel cartridges expanding differently than brass…..or whatever…. should keep in mind that the ejector ejects spent brass. There is no cartridge to eject or expand improperly if is was never loaded from the magazine into the chamber. 😊🔫

  2. wow so many know-it-alls in the comments! garbage ammo that's all. guys were having fun and being safe….who cares if he didn't run a perfect 2 second immediate action drill? chill out guys

  3. Is anyone out there who an answer my question? I'm ex-British Airborne, I have shot thousands of rounds from all sorts of weapons, but I have never had a stoppage due to a faulty extractor or a broken rim t the casing in a recessed rimless round such as shown here, when the extractor claws engage in the recess.
    "Immediate Actions" ie the drill we followed for stoppages were quite extensive, and covered almost all contingencies and allowed you to resume firing almost immediately and safely.
    Those stoppages that could not be fixed immediately on the range meant that you made the weapon safe and handed it to the unit Armourer, who had training in the inspection and repair of weapons, and the tools to do it with.
    The military are very strict on soldiers not doing any repairs that they are not authorised to do, it can land you a large fine, demotion or jail time.
    Also, discipline and organisation ensures that weapons are checked annually or more by Armourers, and preventative maintenance schedules are followed plus weapons are and cleaned and oiled by each soldier after use, and prepared for firinng as required before each use.Ammo is both consistent in quality and clean when you load it,and always brass. Consequently I have never had to even deal with the stoppage in this clip, far less return it to barracks or get it ready for use again.
    Although the round had been struck, that is no guarantee that it is inert, and that the bullet had gone.
    What is the correct, safe way to rectify this stoppage?
    I would imagine the only safe way would be to strip it in situ, and remove the breech block, then get someone else to grip it (staying well clear of the business end and as far from the breech as your screwdriver allows) and to try and tap it out with a screwdriver or similar– some Duck Oil sprayed into or around the chamber would help, or very carefully sprayed down the barrel using the little plastic quill, keeping your hands and arms clear of the muzzle,
    What these guys did worked, but it could have gone horribly wrong.
    Anyone got the answer to my question of what is the approved method?

  4. My goodness dudes…. steel rounds sometimes the shells expands after being fired, which they get stuck just get a cleaning rod and push it out. Also if you want yo shoot cheap ammo through thr c15 use silver bear works great.

  5. my carbon 15 runs no matter what i feed it. Steel case, brass, whatever i put through it. The rifle they are firing could of had some issues with that production model that bushmaster fixed, i dunno. If they would have cleaned it and ran it wet "meaning oiled well" they probably wouldnt have had any problems at all.

  6. Just change and put better extractor and ejector springs had the same prob. Now works perfectly fine easy fix bushmater used alot of cheap spring in this rifle but just get yourself upgrade kits with more reliable parts and it'll be fine

  7. I've seen it before in other vids about looking to the left and right or vice versa after shooting. Why?  Am I missing something? As far as the Ar,  I have a ATI lower not the plastic one, with a BCM upper. It eats anything.

  8. Brand new gun. Probably not cleaned after they bought it, so it's still covered in Cosmolene. You have to CLEAN a gun after you buy it. Then lube it, lube it, lube it!!! It's bullshit to blame Bushmaster for a user error. Also, don't use steel cased rounds until after your break in period. Some will run fine with steel right out of the box, but others won't. Herters is the same thing as Tulammo. Both made in the same plant in Russia. Not to mention you called Steel CASED ammo, steel JACKETED. The jacket goes around the actual projectile. They DO make steel jacketed ammo for guns that don't shoot lead very well. Glocks being one of those guns with Octagonal rifling that don't like lead shot……..another things is, it's cold outside in this video…… Which means steel cased ammo will perform even more poorly. My Carbon 15 has been 100% flawless every time I shoot it. Even straight out of the box AFTER I CLEANED AND LUBED IT!!!

  9. The video quality isn't tip-top so the case a little fuzzy. From what I can see though is that the primer sure seems to be showing pressure signs as it has flattened and flowed around the firing pin. Did you think the FTE was due to an over pressure load causing the steel case to stick? From what I can see, this was an ammo problem and nothing to do with rifle or shooter error.

  10. I bought a windham m4. It was new. shot over 10 000 rounds through it. NEVER failed to feed or eject. Everyone left bushmaster who worked there  and went to windham. My advice, buy a windham 223. Bushmaster q c sucks

  11. Look for pock marks below the feed ramps, mag well sway is causing bullets to face downward and jamb into the receiver. Bought mine(exact one) on 2/25/14. Misfired and took back 3/2. Got back from BM on 3/18. All they did was cut the carbon receiver to allow the bullet nose to catch the ramp. That's fine for a few mags but the noses of the bullets are now getting stuck and jambing into the bottom of the ramps(because the carbon is now worn). So it got sent to BM again, only had this rifle like 7 days, shot two occasions(<250 rounds). I wished I never had bought this rifle. Good luck with yours, just keep an eye on the feed ramps. Mine would jamb just manually racking it.

  12. What kind of ammo are you using in this? I have this exact same gun and the only time I had failure to feed (the only issue I've ever had with it) was some old reloaded rounds. Otherwise I've never had issues, even with the cheapest kinds of ammo.

  13. Very unfair that you would do this to an un oiled gun never shot and the first thing you put in it is steel cased ammo instead of brass. US guns are designed to shoot brass.
    Besides, if you can build better then complain, if not……..

  14. hey man, being an all brass guy like I was with my first ar, i thought you may be interested to know, if you run one brass case round, per every 9 or so rounds of steel cased stuff….the ar will function with it

  15. steel cased stuff through the C15? the owners manual says not to….however…If you run 1 brass cased round per ever 9 or so steel case rounds youll be amazed. I have the c-15 super light orc like the one on in the vid…never a malfunction…its a good rifle

  16. Take a flashlight with you the next time you video so we can see down into the chamber when it fails to feed. If there ever was a need for instructional videos its helping people understand how to safely handle stuck rounds.

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