This is my AR-15 pistol. It has a 7.5 inch barrel with the Troy Claymore Brake. The Troy Claymore directs the muzzle flash forward and creates a huge fireball after every shot.
New pic of what the pistol looks like now
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In case of emergency can also be used as a signaling device.
How were you aiming with no rear sight?
Wow what a ball o flame
Nice rear sight…
Man that looks awesome I like that rail I don't think its too much it looks great I can't wait to get mine together thank for the info and help subbed
Thanks for watching … I have always liked the FDE accessories! I had to try and not go overboard with the accessories in FDE. Since this video I have also installed a 7in troy alpha rail in FDE also. It really looks good.
New pic link in description
The buffer cover is a necessity, it helps with the vibration when placing the tube on your cheek. This 7.5 is my little spark plug!! HAHA
Nice man I like the AR pistol trying to put one together now I like the FDE furniture looks good I just got one of those FDE buffer tube covers they look good and the texture of it feels good too good video
lol yeah its brutal with the birdcage on there! ive only shot mine outdoors and that was bad enough so i was looking at a claymore and found your vids. i just got a smith vortex on sale at primary arms for 40 bucks but if i put it on the 7.5 it should kill a bunch of the flash for low light/night shooting but i think it'll still be nasty to shoot. i hope ammo prices return to normal or at least reasonable so i can do some testing. id like to run the cheapest ammo possible LOL
I built the lower but I bought the upper already built from a gunshow in GA. Of course all this was done last Aug when things were sort of normal. When everything was in stock and at good prices. Only thing was that I borrowed the BCG from one of my other AR's and had to track one down in this mess we are currently in. I do have to say it cycles clean, I have put Wolf, PMC Bronze and x-tac, and silver bear thru it without a hiccup. With my 22lr bolt it works also. Big Ups! Lol! Keep me posted.
I like the Claymore, I did use the birdcage FH at first. It was still a fire ball at the end of the muzzle but I can feel the heat more and I could feel little bits of burnt off powder after the shot. The Claymore did nothing for the sound though It is loud! I used a basic LPK from Palmetto State with the FDE grip and trigger guard. So no special springs. I also got the buffer tube assembly from PSA it was for the tube, spring, h-1 buffer and a Magpul ASAP.
also i had to get the bcm extractor spring upgrade kit to get mine to run. its also a model 1 sales upper lol. ive also had success with the wolff extractor spring upgrades but yours seems to be working fine.
how do you like the claymore? did you try it with the a2 flash hider or only the claymore? also what buffer and action spring are you running? my 7.5 shoots pretty smooth with a regular action spring and spikes st-t2 buffer and a2 flash hider but i just put an h2 and red sprinco action spring in to try. im also going to try it with an h3. when i test it i'll let you know how it goes, big ups dreads!