Nikon was kind enough to send me their little P-Tactical Superdot for review. It’s a very well made micro red dot sight that I’ve come to like a lot. I tried it on a few different rifles. It worked great every time. You should check it out.
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Host: Joel Persinger – The GunGuy
– Co-Founder & CEO of Practical Defense Systems
– NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor
Video & Audio Production: Nick Persinger – The Camera Guy
About comments: Positive and negative comments are welcome. Please feel free. That said, I believe in being respectful of others, so “trolling” comments and comments that contain profanity or sexually explicit material will be deleted.

Nikon P-Tactical Superdot: https://gunguy.tv/shop/index.php/product/nikon-p-tactical-superdot-black/
The T-Shirts: https://www.thefocoapparel.com/
Boomers need to be like Joel. He shoots. He hunts. Not a Fudd. Joel =
I've had Cataract surgery on both eyes. For me, it's like having a fresh pair of eyes.
I too have a few old high-end Nikon, Cannon, Pentax and Olympus Cameras.
I didn’t see a link for those 2A shirts anywhere….would you please update or reply with it. Keep up the great work!
I'm surprised optics are even allowed In California. God I hate California, democrat scum garbage
Made in China or Japan?
Im a Nikon fan. I really like 2MOA red dots.
This looks like a good basic red dot I can use on my PCC9 and AR.
I like the CR2032 batteries. If it dies on the range, just swap in your car alarm remote battery
I've always liked nikon
Love that shirt …
Hello Joe. Your friend Ted from Texas here just checking in. You're making great videos by friend. I find them both educational nht meaning is well. You've given me something to look at and something to look for. Thank you for the Nikon education. See you in the next video my friend.
I like Nikon. I have the M-308 and the M-223 scopes, very nice. Do you suppose this red dot would work well with my Ruger Mini-14 in .223 with 1 in 9 twist? (Ranch rifle)
Great video. I’ve been thinking about a red dot sight, but both of mine are used for deer hunting mostly right now.
By the way, every time I hear “micro dot”, I think of blotter.
Thanks again GG for your detailed overview
Nikon makes great cameras and have good glass, I hope that quality carries over to this optic.
What brand of magazine did you use in the video
I'm also a fan of Nikon products. I've got several Nikon cameras, and probably the same range finder. I find them to be solid high quality products that seldom have any issues. The only drawback is the high price.
nikon has the WORST warranty of anybody in the business.
i have sent the Same scope back 4 times over a 6 year period.
average turn around is 5 months and sometimes they just send it back as soon as they get it.
Right now Primary Arms and Holosun are dominating the market. They are killing it on YouTube too. It's kinda refreshing to see a different brand being addressed too.
I'm pretty sure I saw that thing, in red, in a lot of movies. Sometimes it's purplish?
Thanks Joel for the review.
Nikon is hard to beat .
What type of grip is that??
Nice little red dot ill have to pick one up .thank you. For the videos you. Put out for us .
I don’t come for your expertise, I tune in to support your good character.