Bringing you along as I sight in Project: Commie Ar15. This is a Ar47 built with a Bear Creek Arsenal complete 7.62×39 upper, SAA lower, GunTec USA lower parts kit, GunTech USA pistol grip, and a Trinity Force stock, Athlon 4-12 scope, Monstrum tactical scope rings.
Athlon 4-12 scope
Monstrum Tactical scope mount
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I remember you test firing that before…still might have to build me a 7.62×39 AR sometime down the line. I hope to have my Bear Creek .300BO upper out for some shooting shortly. Nice setup with that Athlon scope!
You'll get it dialed in! Good to see the BCA stuff in action. Hopefully mine gets here soon!

Jesse, the 7.62×39 is great for deer at 200, or less. The power is pretty comparable to a 30.30. We're opposites, you shoot pistol more than me, and I shoot rifle more than you. LOL. Good looking setup, Brother
That's good shooting for steel cased 7.62×39. I thought you picked up the c-products mags.
Good shooting and who likes to walk too far….LOL…Good stuff….
Sweet commie AR
Nice shooting there jesse
Can’t wait till I get some range time to try mine out seeing how yours is a shooter!
I have a 3.5 lbs CMC trigger in my commie build and don't have any issues with light primer strikes, but I don't use cheap steel ammo either
I got a x39 bear Creek carbine length and it does well, lil finicky with my cast at first but I got a good couple good loads figured out
Looks like a shooter.
Great job you need to stop saying you can’t shoot a rifle you did more then fine . Get yourself a golf cart you can get over to that rifle range every other day and practice practice practice
It seems to shoot well .
I have a psa upper ar47 on an anderson lower. Love it
Good Shooting Brother
Great Video!!! Good Shooting!!!!!