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The CMMG Banshee 10MM ammo test!!!
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Great hog gun.
Boyo, those 10mm rounds sure have some kick. I could hear them all the way in Australia.
Should of done an underwood extreme penetrator
10mm is the new 357 magnum
I love the 10mill its a real power house.
Are you by chance doing a review video on the Springfield Armory Hellcat anytime soon?
CMMG makes some great guns and the 10mm round is a great round for concealed carry

Saw your buddy in the background
Love that little gun

Still waiting for companies to start making guns in 7.62 tokarev
I was bored a minute ago… Ain't no more!!! Thanks again WHO_TEE_WHO!
Maaaan…that Banshee is cool as heck! I so want 1!? Smackin that gel like a fat guys lips in a Popeyes!
Tell Paul to come up and say Hi, don't be a lurker! LOL
Great video and nice looking gun.
7:48 is the Hornady XTP… 8:03 is the Winchester SuperX
As always another great video that we…your loyal subscribers always enjoy!
Hey good video you know I just love me some 10 mm one of my favoriteit was good to see Paul back there in the background to is looking good congratulations on the new one on the way God has been good
Just shoulder it.
I'd use those light bullets on small game and varmints, like raccoons and coyote's
I'd like to see ya try liberty ammo. 60 grain@2400fps please
why isn't Paul shooting? at least commenting? love to see both of you play pig with the 22 that each of you shoot best, and worst
Damn I want one
That Banshee is sweet.
Demo Ranch has Creepy Cooter and you got Peeping Paul
I think I would like to have one of those !
Here is a bug in your ear. I shoot a product from Fenix ammo in Michigan. 180 gr. Gold Dot that out performs Underwood & Double Tap. It is screaming.