Dustinbible said you can do the cmmg trigger with the binary and was he ever right!!! Sorry only 1 mag and it’s not the best
Then we run the Franklin without cmmg

Dustinbible said you can do the cmmg trigger with the binary and was he ever right!!! Sorry only 1 mag and it’s not the best
Then we run the Franklin without cmmg
Stag Arms has the Black 25rnd mags for $15.00.That is the cheapest i have seen the cmmg 22lr mags for. 25 Rd (.22LR) Magazine (Blem) – Stag Arms LLC
Why does it keep jamming?
did you have to do any mods to the cmmg to work with binary trigger. is it the echo or Franklin. thanks
Not bad what kind of 22 ammo do you use