Checking out the Shockwave Blade with the KAK Industries buffer tube for my AR-15 pistol. I am really impressed with the quality of the Shockwave Blade and the KAK Industries tube.
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I bet he has the sba3 by now. If he likes the blade he’s will love the sba3.
What length is your barrel..? and NO, i'm not trying to be funny… lol.
I’m making one of these right now
Oh darn no more shouldering…………
bad ass review dude
We designed a QD Set Screw for the Shockwave Blade. Check it out.
looks like Barney got his bullet back.
you can shoulder your pistol again…atf reversal
not illegal to shoulder anymore
He kinda sounds like Mr. Slave.
If you don't have the tax stamp for an sbr, then you just committed a felony. The shock blade is not meant to be shouldered
Hey Jay, Silent Bob isn't supposed to talk
. Cool vid!!
you got so much recoil with that blade try a different flash suppressor 4 Less back pressure equals less recoil
Sootch and hickoc45 got in trouble for a vid similar to this. Make sure your cheekin it dudes. cool vid
keep shouldering it and taping it.. there's already stuff in the works to recategorize AR pistols into SBR rifles simply because of stuff like this. They show how people are intending to use it.
The pistol u held up was on semi !!!!!!!!!
Oh my gawd somebody call the ATF!!!!!!
What'd size is that barrel?
left it on fire when you took your hand off
I would shoot it from my shoulder but I be dang if I would deliberately shoot it then videotape it so they can see it law is the law the problem is we push it then they have no recourse then to take it away just because it's America we have a right to do things it's a law I mean I can't be a hypocrite I'm going to shoot one from my shoulder and I'm not going to video tape it so they can use it against me just as we could use a video tape against them or anyone else it seems . I'm not being facetious I'm serious they can pull up this video show it to you and say you shot this rifle against the law so where is it find you put you in jail take the rifle whatever I'm damn sure not going to give them a reason to do anything to me .
I got mine from gun broker for 62+sh
Cheek weld huh? Just say what we all are doing anyway…..F**k the ATF and stupid NFA and their oppinons
Naughty boy…….shouldering it.
What type of pistol is that? Will pistols like that cycle steel case ammo? I have a 6940p and a scar and they eat up everything. I would like a pistol for I guess a pdw. But I have alot of steel case around and wonder if the pistols are as reliable as rifles. Thanks
What kind of pistol grip is that man this thing is beautiful !
best upgrade? that's a knock off sig brace… and THAT is the best upgrade
I really don't mean to be a dick but is it just me or was this the face that everybody else pictures when they think inbred?
Does your pistol use both 223 and 556 ammo?
what kind of rail is that?
The aft is telling me that putting a brace on my shoulder makes the bullets hurt more.
What kind of fire control group you have in it!
why cant all gun channels be this laid back? everybody's a freakin operator
Whoa. People say the 7.5 inch barrel neuters the 5.56 round but that looked like a good amount of kinetic energy hitting that water puddle. I am impressed.
Lol I got one love it and I shoulder it lol who gives a shit …fuck those silly ass ar pistol laws
Adding CAA cheek saddle to the shockwave is also big help to cheek welding the pistol
it also looks very similar to the ergo stock…
very nice. that's basically a fixed stock…
I want an AR pistol now.
I'm glad I saw this I wanted a thorsden with all its many parts lmao I'm sold on the blade lighter than s Sig brace simple install adjustable
I know they said you can not touch your shoulder with the sig arm brace, but what about the wave?
cool blade, now brush your teeth and clean your finger nails out…
I have one and it does help to stabilize the pistol, since the ATF has stated that it can not be used firing against the shoulder I do not do so. I don't want to be charged with the felony of owning an unregistered NFA SBR.
Are you aware it is illegal to shoulder that pistol?
Yep. I'm buying one.
1:42 = no muzzle discipline. geez… I'd have knock him out…
I have to ask, since you're firing left handed, what's preventing the cartridge from slapping you in the face. I notice they're dropping vertical after ejecting
it better make you happy cause clubbing and getting girls will never
your teeeth are like blades! god your need some white trays and some braces