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In this video we take a look at the CMMG Banshee MK10, the 10mm AR has arrived boys… The king of the PCCs is here.
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Bama brother where is this shot
I want a Banshee 10mm. Mark 10
These boys can shoot. Roll Tide!
I Love Alabama!
5.7 much better!
10mm is one serious and capable round. I just wish it were a little cheaper for the good stuff but that can be said for every caliber.
What a DREAM. I WISH !!!! , I only wish . Stupid laws are preventing me for purchasing one and limited on other AMMO calibres as well .!!!! DAMM IT . This is Australia !!!!
That drawing you did was Epic lol….
Nice try! All my Bamma Buds in Minnesota do Math Great!
Dog eatin your Homework won't fly!
TY for Demo.
You Americans are so damn fortunate. Don’t lose the 2nd. Love from Australia

hehehe…..global warming
Love 10mm (I've got loads that push well into .41mag territory and the only metric the .357 can hang over the 10mm is case capacity) but CMMG's pricing on anything is HILARIOUS… there have been 10mm "sub gun" AR's for a while now too so… CMMG didn't "do " anything special they ust finally chambered one of their overpriced PCC's in the best caliber…. finally.
Have been on the 10mm for a while. What is the hold over at 300?
I bet the 45 shoots 300 yrds also. I know the glock 41 shoots 200 yrds.
I want one…
Dude we’re truck twins, same color and everything.
Lol’d at the diagram
600-800$ maybe
$1600 ?????????????? Whooooooowh ummmmm No
very kool , Now make one it 44 mag
This rifle is what Winchester was looking for when they made up the defunct 350 Legend.
I chose a sub-gun in 9mm bcuz of ammo price.
Feed a 10mm could get expensive.
I like this. Is this an ad?
Anyone have a link? No info on net
The best millimeter is a centimeter.
Bad ass….
Great Video! I’m definitely adding one in FDE to my collection!
I call B.S.on the “diagram”, .40 S&W…what, ‘blows up’ the firearm OR something!? Ridiculous. And I’m no “fan boy” of the .40 either, or whatever dumb cliche’d term can be thrown at it. It’s just ignorance to think that it’s not a VIABLE round. WHO OUT THERE IN Y/t land will volunteer to take the ‘hit’ with a fired .40 cal round STEP UP, any takers? Thought not…(JUST TO BE CLEAR: This was a rhetorical question)
Not in communist state of ny
if those mags works for Glock gun it should work on the kriss victor. Right?
What’s currently the best 10mm sub gun?
Take my money!
False, the 10mm is not more powerful than a 357, using the same barrel lengths and the appropriate ammo.
Gotta reload to afford to feed the thing
The little boy needs a big gun to compensate for his small penis.
Since I live in a free state (SC) I'll be getting this exact setup, supressor and all. Dear NYS, FUCK YOU.
Is that a 30rd 10mm mag!?
Will this fit my G20 and G40 MOS!?
I got this with short stock pistle grip, surpressor, cut the barrel to 12 inches, fits in my 44 holster now.. I married her to 4000 rnds of Black Talon armor piercing. I'm ready for BUTT JUDGE JUDGE.
I want this.
I'll have to wait for Palmetto to come out with an affordable one
It's a pistol not a PCC.
As a proud father I have to say my son does the Cerakote at CMMG.