Everything you think you know about Mars comes from wicked liars at NASA. Reddish light in the sky is NOT a “ball planet”, millions of miles away but, you are paying billions of dollars to beLIEve that it is. LOL
Blessed be my honest people on Flat and Stationary Earth.
Sheeple, keep beLIEving and paying your taxes for useless fantasies.

It seems beyond sheeples comprehension and they don't feel the need to research it, they will never get it… I showed friends one of your star in slow-motion video's and they loved it, but they just can't grasp that it is real… quite sad really…
Exelent video.
I sincerely wonder how many people at NASA actually know the truth of the matter – that we are living under a false, contrived space paradigm. I'm sure most employees are compartmentalized and so believe the party line, but it can't be everybody, can it?? There must be luciferians at the top who know this is all BS and have no moral problem that their job is to confound and deceive the masses. How many luciferians? Are we talking 2 or 3 or 10 or what? What a weird world that so few people at the top are necessary to keep this system going.
We modern humans must be in a trance or something.
Tako je!
Nego… tužiće te Mabus za ovčice, hahaha.
Always good to have a laugh at the expense of NASA, Space Hotel coming soon.. Ferris Wheel of Death.. Sign up now to be a crisis actor, no NASA experience needed Good Pay,
Sorry I couldn’t help myself, Peace Brothers and Sisters
A billion dollars for something that isn't true and they've been doing this for decades smdh.these people are off the serpent no doubt.more uploads my man

"Mars" , is chocolate bar. "Incredible", means, unbelievable . Their data are, indeed, incredible.
Sheeple – fight back for your blind beliefs and smash those thumbs down – express your feelings for Mars fantasy
Those Sheeple have very strong faith… so strong that they don't need to test for truth…
Excellent Vlad!!! Such a joke people believe this nonsense. They say its 34 million miles away takes 7 months for rover to get there and lands perfectly no problem no hiccups huh. And love to know who cleans it from dust storms and also love how they get information from 34 million miles away yet i go a mile from my house to bluff by beach and i have no signal….But yeah thousands of satellites orbiting right!!! People WAKE UP!!! Love the sheep sound effect!!! Stay blessed man keep spreading truth!