Home AR-15 Sandy Hook / Bushmaster AR-15 Lawsuit

Sandy Hook / Bushmaster AR-15 Lawsuit


Families of the victims of the Newtown school shootings are suing Bushmaster Firearms for wrongful death. Federal law (the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act) protects gun manufacturers and dealers from lawsuits by people who claim that they were harmed with firearms used by criminals and those who are just plain negligent.

The Attorneys for the Sandy Hook school victims think they have found a loophole in the law that will allow the victims to recover from Bushmaster Arms and the gun dealers. By stretching the bounds of a claim for negligent entrustment the lawyers think that they can skirt the law and get a big payday.

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  1. There will be no lawsuit. This is a HOAX. Nobody died. The "parents" are actors. They will not testify in court under oath. They are trying to extort money our of Bushmaster and get them to stop selling their product.

    They will NOT testify under oath because they would be committing PERJURY. Sandy Hook is a HOAX.

  2. Thanks for your interesting thoughts and comments regarding the whole debacle. Hopefully, this thing will go away soon. I like the way you put the Jeep and KaBar knife in the video for comparison. I hope you are doing well.

  3. I do not actually believe people died at sandy hook. There are plenty of USA haters in the screen actors guild which is a communist organization who would participate in a gun grab scheme.  Gun control is treason.  Traitors will hopefully one day be hanged for al to see.

  4. Since an FBI background check is 100 percent mandated at purchase date of any AR15 by Federal law,  this dismisses BM and shop owner of any liability under law…..period
    Any other result that comes from this this farce of a legal action would be enacted by activist courts-judges…..which is totally unconstitutional and an excellent example of tyranny.     Any body run over by a civilian version of a jeep should sue jeep? since a version it was once a weapon of war?
    BBBBBBBWWWwWHAHHAHHHAAAA   these families are laughing stocks and have big balls for attempting this.     Shame on them and anybody whose ever ignorantly donated to these people.

  5. Just goes to show how imbecilic and idiotic these perpetraitors are.  I remember the day after, Moochelle said we cant have angry teens shooting up schools with machine guns(full auto)  weapons, what a fucking liar.     I had friend that was electrocuted,  should he sue the power company or the man who invented electricity? THATS HOW FUCKING STUPID THIS IS.

  6. Wow…what a stretch….those lawyers are throwing a F….ing Hail Mary from there own goal line… hope it gets intercepted…(sorry about all the football analogies geting ready to watch the games this weekend!)

  7. Unfortunately logic and reason don't always prevail in a court of law. If they can find a sympathetic or emotional jury, anything can happen. It would be nice if such cases were thrown out of court before going to trial. There is also a very large chance the people bringing this lawsuit KNOW this a total load of BS and are just hoping to get a quick cash settlement from someone they perceive to have "deep pockets".

  8. …also on more than one occasion I've heard some chatter in the press over 'sniper rifles' that are 'too accurate' (whatever the hell that means) for civilians.

    For the record they were talking about some flavor of bolt gun with a scope.

  9. This is something we need to watch. Don't think for a second that the anti2a movement cares one bit about technical facts. They make decisions based on emotion and cosmetics. Why is a ruger mini 14 still perfectly legal in NY while an ar-15 is 'bad.'

    Did you happen to catch the press conference about those gun smugglers last week? There was a whole table full of semiautomatic handguns… But they single out the ak47 because it has maximum revulsion level. Meanwhile, nobody is asking what good the safe act is or even the handgun licensing system. …Because criminals do whatever they want.

    But back to this case. What would the legal consequences be if the court finds that this argument is valid? There are MILLIONS of semiauto rifles out there. Every one of them would then be a potential lawsuit against the manufacturer?! It cannot stand.

  10. What about "ParaCord"? We can't "Properly Handle" it because it was designed for "Military Use". We might Go on Crazy Mode and strangle someone with it.
    Isn't it true that the Bushmaster was locked in the trunk of his car and the police are the ones who took it out? Adam killed his Mother with a Savage Bolt Action .22LR, so those should be banned also. Not the Criminally Mental Defective He was, and has been Denied to purchase a Firearm in the past. 

  11. I think the AR platform was available to the public before the Military adapted it into service, but I could be wrong going on memory here. Armolite made them in 308, but not sure if it was for the purpose of military use from the start. But anyway I'll though another one in there the 1911, Colt Peacemaker too..LOL

  12. You are repeating a myth, a lie, PROVE ANYONE was killed in Sandy Hook–since the FBI and the WH has already admitted that this was a government led training exercise that was picked up by the media and "enriched" in order to institute a national movement about gun control.  FBI report of murder stats for the country show NO MURDER IN SANDY HOOK FOR THAT YEAR

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