Home CMMG Gas Block Installation Helpful Hints. Line That Hole Up

Gas Block Installation Helpful Hints. Line That Hole Up


Installing a Gas Block on your AR, here is a helpful hint to get that gas block lined up with the Gas Port

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  1. I just realized the Rosco barrel I bought has a dimple on the underside of the barrel to line up the gas block.Fuckers are clever. But thanks for the video if I didn’t have that dimple your way would have def helped!

  2. That gap is the thickness of a handgaurd end cap. Also there are plastic allignment pins made that will breakaway after installation. Most barrels have a demple opposite of gas hole on barrel that line up with the set screw on block for proper alignment of block.

  3. I have noticed that the majority of gas blocks out there, have VERY large port holes drilled in them. Maybe even 4-5times the size of the actual gas port on the barrel. This makes it almost fool proof to completely cut off the port. Of course, you always wanna get it as centered as possible👍

  4. Kota just a heads up Swalell is at it again. I’m not sure exactly he was in some committee the other day where he stated the right to be safe supersedes all other rights. He is a total assclown !

  5. A cheap set of auto parts store feeler gauges is invaluable for this. I also pencil the center line on the shoulder of the barrel before putting the gas block on and then pencil the center of the gas block to line them up, ensuring no twist left or right.

  6. I have a 12.5” Ballistic Advantage build. Runs like a dream. Garand Thumb was saying that 12.5” for unsuppressed use was his favorite short 5.56 length. Mine runs right at 1MOA or under with everything I’ve thrown at it. Clint at BA hinted in a recent video at a 12.5” Hanson profile coming.

  7. Kotaboy32: I took an old round handguard cap modified it…cut off edges, notched it to slide onto barrel, marked 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock positions. With the gas block on the barrel and close to position, I slide my "gauge" into place between the gas block and barrel shoulder, with the clocked marks line up with top and bottom of gas block I accomplish two tasks at the same time. The correct alignment of the gas port of barrel and block, and correct gap for block and barrel shoulder.

  8. It’s hard to tell but looks like you’re using pistol length gas. The best part of getting out to 11-12” is being able to use the mid length gas system to calm the gas down. Why did you choose to use the pistol length?

  9. I bought one of those clamp on eBay handguards and it was horrible, not because of the handguard itself (which was actually pretty nice) but the hardware that came with it (stripped bolts under 25 inch pounds). Definitely get new hardware for the one he has. However, I bought another ebay handguard ($30) that bolts onto the barrel nut and its actually amazing. Definitely beats paying $100+ for a name brand for sure. And it came cerakoted fde 👍

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