Home AR-15 AR-15 Front Sight Adjustment Tool

AR-15 Front Sight Adjustment Tool


This is a great little tool to have in your AR-15 kit.

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  1. I am heading to the range and was planning to use one of these tools for the first time to adjust the front sight on my AR. Before heading out I decided to search for information about how to use one of these tools. This video is exactly what I was looking for.

    Thank you for the video and thank you for your service.


  2. I just saw a great very cheap if not free idea for this. Use a ballpoint pen w/ink refill. Remove the ink from the pen, insert the sight post into the tip of the pen case then use the ink/ball point to turn the sight post. Haven't tried it, but looks like it would work great!

  3. @millerusaf Would you happen to know if you can use that tool to adjust aftermarket BUIS such as the "Troy BattleSight Front A2 Folding", or is it strictly for use with only the original front sight/post w/ gas block?

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