Home EOTech Vigilance Elite – Spec Ops Dude's Favorite Combat Rifle Zero

Vigilance Elite – Spec Ops Dude's Favorite Combat Rifle Zero


Shawn Ryan gives his opinion on what his favorite zero is when using holographic sights. The video starts off covering 5.56 holds (2.5″ high) for close range 7 yards and in with holographic red dot sights. Moving on to the traditional zeros and holds the 25yd, 50yd, 100yd and the non traditional 36yd zero. Shawn explains the 36yd zero and why it is his personal favorite.

Ballistic Calculations were calculated off of 5.56 55gr FMJ for the reason that it is the most common type of range ammo.

The link to the target in the video is below:


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  1. Tough part for me is using iron sights to get this zero. Too cheap to buy an optic and irons are just as effective. I'm still working on getting good enough with it to get a proper zero. The difficulty there is having no magnification to get a good solid aim point on the target even at 25 yards the targets seem to small to see

  2. Hey Vigilance Elite. Quick question im looking in to purchasing th new POF's Revolution Di .308. Whats your take on this Rifle. I shot with the colt m4 during my time as 11 bravo/ 19 kilo i own it now but want a 308. one of my battle buds says look into the ar10 palmetto?

  3. I think it should have been made clear that barrel length and ammo used will greatly affect this. You may have to zero your rifle at 31 yards,or 42 to get the same results. It depends on your rifle.

  4. Excellent video with invaluable information, thank you!
    When you started talking about the different zeroes you said you did the math for the most popular zeros for the 5.56 caliber. Can you share what formula you used to do the math so that I can calculate how other calibers behave, including PCCs calibers? And if the length of the barrel matters, it would be nice to see that in the formula.
    Thanks again!

  5. I love the 36/300 yard zero which was taught to me while in boot camp for the Marine Corps. First on the M16a2 then the M4 we were issued during Urban Warrior in 1998. We then went back to the M16a2s until we were issued the M16a4 in 2002. In 2003-2004 we started getting limited amounts M4s and the ACOGs for both the M4s and the M16a4. I got out in 2005 after 8 years of active duty.

    I use this for my personal M4s which is actually what drops below the POA n POI 36/300. It actually crosses at 36/275 with a 14.5” barrel with irons and Aimpoint Micro. The M4 TA31 RCO ACOGs will do 36/300 with the BDC that’s built in. My 18” SPR/DMR is 36/300 POA n POI for irons along with my 20” rifles are both irons and M16 TA31 RCO ACOGs. My Leupold Scope is zeroed at 100 yards for my 18” SPR/DMR MK12, but the scope has Mil Dots and the turrets are accurate for quickly adjusting the elevation to 75 or 50. Also going out 200, 300, and the farthest I can shoot is 400 mph n the range I go to. I have shot out to 600 yards at another range a couple hrs away from my house.

    After getting out in 2005 I became a police officer and after 4 years of patrol was lucky enough to screen and get assigned to the SWAT Team. I used was the 50 yard because we were required to use that zero on the SWAT Team I was on for 8 years, but we were using 10.5” barrels first with EoTechs and then we switched to Aimpoint Micros. After 8 years I got promoted and moved back into patrol.

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