Home AR-15 U.S. Military – Advanced Shooting Techniques

U.S. Military – Advanced Shooting Techniques


Video of a joint force protection team comprised of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines practicing advanced shooting techniques on a range in Kabul, Afghanistan. Includes sound bites from Capt. Michael Chua and Cpl. Robert Field, Force Protection Team Members; Petty Officer 1st Class Aaron Proffitt, Team Leader and Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Swansinger, Force Protection NCOIC. Video by Staff Sgt. Jayson Price | American Forces Network Afghanistan

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  1. While this is all good stuff, it looks like some snow flake came upon this video and though it was Advanced shooting. Or perhaps some California Lib. Good training yes, advanced i think not.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun. Only thing I don't get ( and this is partialy from an ignorant perspective. I've never shot a rifle that way ) is why ppl hold on to their mag for grip.

  3. This is a prime example of what is commonly referred to as institutional inbreeding. Most of what these cheese dicks were worried about was muzzle awareness and leaving your safety on .Not once was anything mentioned about proper sight alignment, or sight picture or stopping a threat. ATE UP !

  4. Gotta be honest… I was seeing some very sloppy performance. Horrible trigger control, horrible control over the weapon, horrible everything. This was not advanced in any way… This is what most of the youtube warriors who have a "military background" look like while they talk about how they are ex special forces. That is exactly what i thought of during this lol. They picked a bunch of "badasses" out of youtube comments, dressed them up, and took them to the range to do "advanced shooting techniques. And this is the result…. Lol

  5. Military is good at teaching a standard block type program but not so good at things that require a slightly different approach, thats the difference in tier 1 where the rigidity disapears and they think in a little different mind set and its the reason they been resented as the red headed stepchild for so long , and frequently butted heads with standard brass. . I will give you this though skills deteriorate and if you think you can be gone a few years and do what these men are without a brush up ??? LOL

  6. 4:24 Yeah let's put this broomstick on the rifle and still hold it by the magwell like an 80s action movie. And wtf 4:43 because who needs sights nowadays. I can't understand for the life of me why the military is stuck on outdated shooting techniques when there is plenty of information out there on newer and better ways to do it.

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