Ever since the IraqVeteran8888 Youtube shoot this year when I shot the Brownells M16A1 clone my viewers have been asking me tons of questions about that rifle… Well, here’s the start of what will become the Mrgunsngear Channel M16A1 clone rifle.
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Have you ever used the set up in this video along with a railed hand guard and a flip up front sight? If so what front sight would you use? I have a EOP upper with flip up iron sights on a rifle with a standard Matrix hand guard and would like to install a set of front sights. Any help would be appreciated.
Don’t apologize for dogs running/barking, leave that Beta male crap for the anti-gun Left. LOL All kidding aside, is the A1 designed so that all elevation adjustments, (using only the small aperture), must be done at the muzzle using a tool? If so, I’m amazed it took the Marine Corps over 15 years to get the A2 configuration rear sights!
which sight appurature is for short or long range .. mine is set up exactly like yours with the L facing when flipped forward .. but which one is for short or long range?
Just watched your video and installed my rear sight !
All I can say is, this is extremely difficult. Much harder than any part of the lower receiver.
Not only do you have to get that extremely micro pin in there, you have to index the windage wheel with the bolt while under spring pressure from the detent. All simultaneously!!!

Get an upper with one already installed if you can help it. Count on it being a multi hour endeavor, especially if you have big hands.
It has already been asked, but no answers is that I also seem to have a issue getting the rear sight screw through the sight and
to the other side. It seems like the spring underneath – positioned so that its curve is towards the top – will not compress
enough to allow the installation. Anyone have this problem and how did you solve it? Brute force?
Having a heck of a time getting the rear sight not to walk all the way over to the left when I install the screw. Anyone have any suggestions on what I am doing incorrectly?
Thanks for sharing! Retro build must see.
I bought the one from brownells and it was crap. Word of advise… don't buy the rear sight brownells stocks made by luth ar!
I got a m16A2 but I want to install A1 rear sight….Is that Ok with accuracy ????
Thanks for the tutorial. My last AR-15A1 build i had to compromise because I live on a low disability income and use a Flat Top Anderson Upper with a cheap $15.00 chinese carry handle because I could not at the time afford $250.00 for a correct M-16A1 upper receiver.
I finally found one for a reasonable price at Brownells . They have stripped A1 uppers for $150.00.
They also have what they call anodized blems for $125.00. I purchased the blem.
If you are not already a regular buyer from Brownells and you sign up for their Email notifications you get
a $10.00 discount and FREE shipping promo code. Be sure to also order the A1 Rear Sight Assy for $20.99,
the ejection port assy for $5.99. Brownells was out of stock on the Tear Drop Forward Assist assy.
Now my AR-15A1 will look and feel a lot more like the M-16A1 I was issued by the US Army back in the
late 70s. I even found the proper green nylon sling like the ones we had. Oh I had to order the correct
flat slip ring you pull down to remove the hand guards too. I had mistakenly ordered the angled one when I first built it.
Cost was $16.99.
Here is the neat thing though. My buddy was our unit armorer so when I PCS back to the states he said because my handguards were kind of beat up he was gonna replace them when i turned in my weapon. I asked what happened to the old ones. He said they were expendable items and if they were damaged he replaced them and threw out the old ones. Same with the pistol grip.
I asked if I could have them and he said yes. So My AR-15A1 actually has the triangular handguards and the pistol grip
from my old M-16A1. I had to use a cut up piece of a credit card and some JB-weld to replace a missing tooth and reinforce 2 cracked ones. Little flat black spray paint and you can hardly tell.
Thanks for the video… helped me a lot.
I purchased a ‘LUTH-AR’ rear site assembly from Brownells to put on my Brownells 601 upper… but it didn’t want to work…
The Flat spring curved too high, so the windage screw couldn’t go through both holes.
I had to hammer the flat spring down so the curve was lower (more flat), allowing the windage screw to pass through.
Then I had to press down on the aperture site while I pushed the screw all the way through, so the windage screw head was flush with the upper.
Without pushing down, the windage screw could not move flush against the upper, which wouldn’t allow the windage drum to align with the windage screw how to pass the detent through…
Took me a while to figure this out but it finally worked.
In case this helps anyone who has the same issues I had.
Love your channel.
What do the numbers on the windage wheel mean? I can only assume they're just for user reference. Thanks MGnG!
Started my A1 some time back. Not building it. Just finding all the parts. Thanks to Brownells for bringing them back in stock. Check there for all the retro stuff. Handguard too. Today I started. Thanks for the vid it was so helpful
Whats the diffrence in the rear sight? I see commercial and milspec.
MrGNG, do you know what size punch I'd need to drive that roll pin OUT of the sight drum?
Thanks for uploading the video, I'm looking to build retro rifles like the XM16E1 rifle and the AR15A2 rifles and carbines. and maybe so interesting setups later on. i have a playlist of all helpful AR assembly and build videos. your assembly video is very helpful
My screw won't go through the sights – the spring is keeping it from going through.
Hello. Would you happen to know where I can find the windage adjustment tool? I'm having a hard time finding one for sale.
I'd like to see a video where you explain the differences in the various versions of the m16/m4 rifles. I've learned so much from your channel, so thank you.
I've always wanted a retro ar15, like the A1. Since California passed some pretty bogus laws that go in effect jan 1. I might not get the retro lower from brownells in time. I have a spare anderson lower and was wondering if the A1 upper would work on it and if it would look totally weird either way.
I appreciate your appreciation for the A1 and the back to basics iron sights.
I was recently engaging a 2.5' gong at 530 yards with my Colt M4 6920 and A2 carry handle with M855 ammo. I was impressed with how I could hit the damn thing every other shot with iron sights while shooting prone. As much as I love my ACOGs the iron sights are pretty hard to beat.
Great, can't wait to see the full review
Cool build. No need to apologize for the dogs:)
I've wanted to have an A1 clone since I first saw Danny Glover and Ray Liotta use them in Operation Dumbo Drop.
I can't wait to build this thing.
You are numba 1.
Looking forward to seeing the finished product. I'm one of those weird guys who actually prefers the look of the A1. Granted, being a left handed shooter, I appreciate brass deflectors and (some) ambi controls, but, purely from an aesthetic standpoint, I like the A1. Then again, I'm also (kind of) one of those nutters who thinks an AK isn't an AK unless it has some wood on it.
dogs are a key part of protecting your family. they will alert you to things that you'd never notice. they also deter criminals . they'd move on if they hear a big dog in the house. and look for a softer target. i have three house dogs two English Mastiffs and a boxer. boxers are high energy dogs. you should do a video on the importance of having a good family dog and how they protect your family and home. don't apologize for your dog they should be like your kids. when your home they need to play. and people shouldn't chain a dog outside and leave it. I'd like to do that to the owner and see how they like it.
thanks for the help. i'm doing the same build. the sight set was hard to find.