Home EOTech Benelli M4 with Eotech shooting slugs 50/125/200 yards. Go Pro 240fps...

Benelli M4 with Eotech shooting slugs 50/125/200 yards. Go Pro 240fps footage.


Got some cool shots from the go pro set at 240 fps. Shot Remington 12 gauge – 3 inch – 7/8 oz slugs at 50-125-200 yards with my new Eotech. Very happy with the Eotech so far. Easy to adjust elevation and windage.

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  1. At the 200 yard target, how hard did the slugs hit in comparison to the rifles rounds people were shooting? I understand the slug will lose speed drastically, but I am interested in the kinetic energy at that range. Did the slug slap the metal target harder than the rifle rounds? Thanks from Texas.

  2. To all the people asking about chokes. I have owned several M4's, and achieved best accuracy with the factory MOD choke, or an IC choke. My last M4 was an M1014, and it was shooting 1/2" 3-shot groups (measured center to center) at 25 yards off a sand-bag. That weapon had a fixed MOD profile barrel. "Foster" slugs and "Classic" Brenneke's will do just fine through any choke up to FULL, but they prefer MOD/IC.

  3. At 200 yards, I was getting about 4-5 feet of drop with 1oz slugs, and the wind was a pain, but I was connecting with 18×24" steel once every 5 shots or so. Using an optic would have been much better as I could have SEEN the target. As it was, I had to see it, move the FSP over it (due to drop), and pull the trigger, lol. Great shooting, and about what I saw with my M4's. VERY accurate. 1oz Remington "Sluggers" and Brenneke Classic Magnums seemed to be their preferences.

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