Home CMMG Budget AR 15 Retro Rifle Upgrade: Midwest Drop In

Budget AR 15 Retro Rifle Upgrade: Midwest Drop In


In this video we are going to take a quick look at a Budget AR 15 Upgrade that I have been wanting to do for a while. This Midwest Industries Handguard is a Drop-in AR-15 Upgrade that brings MLOK to your carbine, midlength or rifle length retro rifle.

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  1. 🤔 This is actually an awesome upgrade… it would be perfect for my favorite BCM, where the front sight gas block aint going anywhere. The only thing is– is the same rail available for midlength Ahhhhhhhh THERE YOU GO YOU JUST SAID IT! They offer it midlength. 😘😘😘 …okay that was um, awkward. Cool, brother.

  2. I prefer the A-frame front sight. I’m so accustomed to that sight picture it’s weird to not have it. It’s all much to do about nothing.

    Training people… You don’t know what you don’t know until somebody shows & tells you. That said you should be wise enough to know you such and should seek training to suck less.

  3. This! Thank you. This in spades, especially if you decide to run with a 14.5" with a permantly affixed muzzle device.

    A carbine with a fixed gas block sight has a ton of utility if you don't plan to use a highly magnified optic. A pinned gas block provides the most reliably zeroed front sight in relation to the barrel and the most reliably affixed gas block, since a gas block that shifts can turn your carbine into a single-shot.

    A free float handguard has an accuracy advantage because the handguard doesn't apply pressure to the barrel and impact barrel harmonics, but that advantage is pretty minor for a modest barrel length. 14.5" barrel assembly's or uppers can be bought with or without the muzzle device permanently attached. Some people may not have the tools and talent necessary to pin and weld a muzzle device after installing a free float handguard, and you can't take a gas block front sight off and install a free float handguard if the muzzle device is already pinned. For most of us, the handguard is of limited utility already. If you don't have nods, you don't need a laser or an ir illuminator, so you don't need a ton of handguard. I see the handguard as a place for my support hand, my sling mount and a white light. I like the IWC Thorntail to cantilever a short white light off the front of the handguard next to the front sight.

    The Midwest Indistries drop-in handguard is perfect for this. It makes no difference to me whether it's Keymod or M-LOK because I attach the white light mount to the pic rail behind the front sight and the MI drop-in handguard already has the qd sling cups machined in on both sides, front and back, and one up front underneath. It's perfect. Wiyh a drop-in, if you buy a 14.5" complete upper or rifle you can save yourself the headache of a pin and weld job by buying it with the muzzle device already permanently attached. Of course, I like the midlength…

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