Home Battenfeld "BEST" Shooting Rest for PCP Accuracy/Precision

"BEST" Shooting Rest for PCP Accuracy/Precision

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  1. Hey Buddy, been working a lot, finally took a weekend off, and tried the Tackdriver with my Hatsan Carnivore, it was awesome!!!, really different than the old conventional type, sighted in quickly, thanks again

  2. Hey James, as usual enjoyed the video, do you fill up the bags completely? I can’t remember where I heard some guy said not to fill them all the way. What’s your thoughts on it?

  3. You are absolutely correct my friend. You don't want to man handle the rifle into a position that requires you to keep it there. Also try not not wrapping your thumb around the grip but laying it straight up the middle of the back of the grip so its less likely to twist the gun, really noticeable at 600 yds+! This exact same technique has allowed me to achieve .37inch 5shot 100 yd groups from a model 700 5R Remington in .308. With Federal Gold Medal Match 162 gr BT. Keep up the good insights on your shooting and enjoy.

  4. Well that was a corny video (the background LOL)
    Anyhow weird, as I was out purchasing pellets today I was looking at a set of Cadwell shooting bags. I came really close to buying them but I one to do some research first.
    I have other stuff I use but I think that would be much better. Time to pull the trigger on that one.

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