Home AR-15 Make Your AR-15 CALIFORNIA COMPLIANT in 1 Move. Stick it to the...

Make Your AR-15 CALIFORNIA COMPLIANT in 1 Move. Stick it to the Man. Cry a little after.


Get your AR-15 in quick compliance with California laws by using the Kali Key. This simple BCG swap out converts your semi-automatic AR into a bolt action rifle. When you are ready to let freedom ring again, just swap out the bolt in seconds to get back to good old FULL Semi-autoMATIC. #fullsemiautomatic #NotAthing | Kali Key –

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    Hey Jon, re. your suggestion of keeping the regular bolt carrier and charging handle in your range bag while keeping the "California-compliant modification installed on your rifle," California (and most states and the feds) have a legal concept for firearms called "constructive possession." Essentially, if you can quickly turn the legal firearm into an illegal one, they will still charge you with having the illegal one. It obviously hasn't been tested yet in the concept of this new device, but here are some examples where "constructive possession" has bitten guys in the rear and gotten them time in prison:

    – A guy has a felony conviction. He can't legally possess a firearm. His wife is not a felon and keeps her self-defense pistol in her nightstand. The cops (or parole agent) have reason to find the wife's pistol in the nightstand on the opposite side of the bed that the felon sleeps in. The gun was purchased by her. There's zero evidence he has ever touched it. But, he knew it was there. BOOM! He goes to prison as a felon in possession of a firearm, AND she goes to prison for providing a firearm to a known felon. In effect, a felony conviction of one member of a household makes it illegal for anyone in that house to have a firearm.

    – An ordinary guy without a permit is driving to the range. He unloads his pistol and puts the full magazine in his range bag with his boxes of ammo and other gear, and he puts the unloaded pistol in the glove box. The range bag is on the passenger seat or within reach of the guy inside the vehicle. BOOM. Because he could readily grab the magazine and the pistol and load the firearm, he goes to prison for concealed carry without a permit.

    I can EASILY imagine the California Department of "Justice" prosecuting you, and the courts convicting you, of violating their gun laws if the stock AR-15 bolt carrier and charging handle are in easy access when you also possess your bolt action AR-15. And, the video showing how quickly you changed over (even with the goof) would be Exhibit A in their prosecution.

    Summary: Pray that President Trump gets a second term, and that Ruth Bader Ginsburg gives up trying to out wait him and instead elects to retire and spend her twilight years in the loving embrace of her family, so we can get some room for comfort on the Supreme Court with another conservative nominee.

  2. Let me join in the congrats for leaving the screw-up in. When stuff like that happens at the range I begin to wonder if I'm really just an idiot who should trade my firearms for a sharp stick.

  3. You didn't forget to replace the plug, you were testing the reliability and structural integrity of your firearm and found out it turns your AR bolt action ish without the plug.

  4. Has anyone here actually enrolled with SDI??? I keep seeing John, and Eric from another channel, promote their courses. I’d be very interested in enrolling but I read a few shaky reviews on them. Seems to be the only “gun smithing” college out there

  5. When "the man" can jail you for fender washers (suppressor parts), I doubt this will work against non-objective CA law. At some point non-compliance with illegal laws is necessary.

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