Go visit the Gun Godfather Ebomey
I was totally blown away when I found out that I won his GAW!!! I will be going out to take these bad boys shooting 2maro, if it doesnt rain.
I want to thank Ebomey for all his generousity, and making this gal the happiest gal alive!!!

congratulations on the win….what an awesome prize pack….AR,pistol,and tons of other nice goodies…you deserve it sure you've been enjoying it….cool
That is so freakin awesome. Ebomey is a super stand up man, and you are a very deserving winner!! I am so happy that you got to win the prizes!
Super cool prizes, congrats.
Tera that is just awesome!
Awesome win Tera. . Congrats
Now thats how you start off a New Year. Very nice
Wow! What an awesome win!! Best one I;ve ever seen on YouTube!! Well done!! Congrats and happy new year!
HOLY SHIT! That's AWESOME! I had no idea you won this!!! That's SSSSOOOOOOOO COOL! Couldn't have went to a better person! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Congrats Tera!!! Can't wait for the shooting vid!
That's very awesome Tera!!! Probably one of the most awesome prize winnings I've seen yet! Hope to see ya shoot'em. Hapy New Years & Have a good'nnn
Congrats! That was a great giveaway.
That is awesome!
Nice rifle and congratulations!
Woohoo!! Have a TON of fun with your new AR!
Wow that is awesome, congrats on your win and thanks for sharing!
No doubt, that is one epic unboxing! You're going to love that cleaning kit – best one out there.
say helloh to mah leetle frenn!….lol
Complete with swag. Very nice Tera
I'm glad you won! I wished ya luck
Amazeballs!! That is awesome Tera! You get your a$$ over to Idaho and see us and we will put you through our defensive handgun and carbine class on us. You have to pay for your own ammo. LOL!!
WOW!! How lucky can you get?!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Sis I'm so happy for you it could have not happen to a better person, Can't wait to see you light up some targets with that badass lady….lol….Back in my military we carried the C7 here in Canada which is like the AR15, they are fun…..atb…Peter
HOLY CRAP!!!! COOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGRRRATTTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS AWESOME!!