This very large order has been recently completed for a subscriber. They wanted light bearing holsters for their Glock 25 .380 (same frame as G19) and TLR-2 as well as matching double mag carriers. I think the whole project turned out very well and I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to work on a project this size. Thanks so much again!
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can yoy make one for a glock 35
Would you make one for the gen 4 Glock 17 with TLR 2 HL G if so hit me up if greatly appreciate it and where I need to order …!!!
How do i order? I need an outside the waistband glock 19 tlr2 hoslter and a mag holder
Website says orders take 4-6 weeks.
it's super gay that we don't get the glock25.
How much for a glock 19 holster with no light and 2 dual mag carriers?
hell of a job great vid
Man, it must be nice to get orders for that style of holster! All I have been getting is Leather backed hybid holster orders! To top it all off they are all light bearing! I haven't made a pancake holster in a year!
Looking Great. I am really excited.
looking good