Bushmaster AR 15 after two years I am hopefully done with any changes and modifications. Or can you really ever be done. Since this gun was bought new in New Jersey it has a 14″ barrel (chrome lined AND 1/9 twist) with a 2″ muzzle break. Now that I moved to Florida I was able to at least change to a collapsible butt stock and use standard capacity 30 round magazines. Below is a list of parts I have added, some are cosmetic and some performance. I will say that adding a Dave Tubbs buffer spring and Spikes Tactical buffer have had a distinct change and this gun shoots flat and smooth. Changing out the trigger to giesseling was the cherry on top! Thanks for watching!
MagPul CTR butt stock
PWS buffer tube
Spike Tactical BUFFER gen 2
Troy flip up rear site
Geissele SSA-E trigger
Battle Arms Ambidextrous safety
Raptor Ambidextrous charging handle
KNS anti roll trigger pins
Daniel Defense quad rail
MagPul XTM rail covers
MagPul AFG 2
Surefire M951 weapon light
Surefire SR 07 dual mode tape switch
MagPul enhanced trigger guard
MagPul BAD lever
MagPul MIAD grip
MagPul MS3 sling

I'm puzzled cause this video is listed as a comedy?
you didn't mention the muzzle device, which i think is probably the only thing you didn't change on your rifle lol. if you buy a bare bones upper and lower you could have 2 rifles =)
why would u buy a 600.00 AR and put 1400.00 of worthless crap on it. You could have bought a Daniel Defense or LRM for that price. Sorry man, but i was cracking up watching this video. You changed the ENTIRE gun. Would have saved a ton just building one.
This is one of the better put together AR15s on youtube, congrats. If I were going to change anything I would get away from Magpul, Magpul, Magpul. They make great stuff but everybody seems to have blinders on and wont consider anything else. Umbrella makes an awesome grip and Double Star makes a buttstock #TI-7 that blows any Magpul away. Nice rifle.
How do u like the fail zero bcg how many rounds do u have threw it been thinking og getting a couple myself I have 3 ar s
Nice video, I was looking around to see if there was any NJ compliant AR 15 and you came up "WoW" nice AR, I just did all my paper work just waiting for my FID to come in so I can get my AR i'm looking at an Windham Weaponry's AR 15, hope to here from you someday i'm up in North Bergen NJ. Going to take a NRA safety course at my local range, Well take care and stay blessed.
Aimpoint Pro was $425.0
How much did that aimpoint run you?
looks great, nice gear