Home CMMG Improving the CMMG .22LR Conversion Kit for the AR-15

Improving the CMMG .22LR Conversion Kit for the AR-15


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Up here in Canada, semi-auto, centrefire rifle mags are restricted to only 5 rounds. Pistol mags however, are restricted to 10. Since the AR-15 is offered as a pistol, mags designed for the pistol version of the AR are allowed to hold 10 rounds and are completely legal to use either in the pistol version of the AR or the rifle. So most guys run two 10 round pistol mags connected to each other with a modified baseplate which is what you see here. While not nearly as good as full capacity mags, it’s the best we can currently do given our silly (and completely useless) gun control laws.

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  1. Naughty Naughty, I am sure the Fuzz will have something to say about you using over capacity mags from a pistol in your rifle. At least you can have a semiauto rifle other than 22LR over there, here we are stuck with 22LR only for semi's and manual actions like bolt for other cals.

  2. The things you learn about you tube creators. What a PLEASANT surprise to see t hff at you shoot AR. Love the conversion. Will be looking for that ,, after I get my AR from my sister in Texas next year.
    Thanks for the update and new info. Love the channel.

  3. Holy crap a gun video! How long has it been since the last? Seems like a long time. Months? Years?
    Matt you should do more gun videos again. They're the reason I originally subscribed.

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