CORRECTION: At 0:52 the metal is actually 7075 Aluminum.
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CORRECTION: At 0:52 the metal is actually 7075 Aluminum.
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I need that hat u got on bro
Sweet Bushmaster. Just need to switchout that handguard for a full barrel length handguard, attach some front and rear back up sights, front vertical grip and attach a tactical flashlight and you'll have a high quality performing rifle! Thanks for the vid!
Sweet price man, everyone needs an AR. But I don't like exposed gas blocks. Why do companies still leave them exposed? Is it a cost cutting thing?
still no original looking AK rifle on the wall… no good "classic" firearms, no good at all
Where is the range master at
Hmm… a nice little offering. Visually appealing, well accoutred, playful yet functional… in short a spicy bit o fun.
I'm thinking 450.
Looks like “ rifle” length barrel
I do not like
Cant access my email anybody know what the cost is on this thanks
Everybody NEEDS 1 more
Just 1 more…
0:52 aluminum