Home Battenfeld Caldwell Precision Turret Adjustable Rest

Caldwell Precision Turret Adjustable Rest


I used this Caldwell Precision Turret Adjustable Rest once and fell in love with it. I would absolutely recommend this rest to anyone. It’s compact, and fully adjustable. I took it out and it made a proper consistent zero possible

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Email: kotaboy32@gmail.com

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  1. I first saw you shooting off this and I immediately wanted one. Got it in my Amazon wish list for when next months SS check arrives. Think I'll get some lead shot bags to hold the feet down too. Thanks for the great review!

  2. My only issue with shooting rests like this and the lead sled is they can alter your rifle harmonics negatively, how the barrel vibrates when fired. They add weight to the rifle and keep it from recoiling "naturally" straight back. Changing your harmonics can alter your group size and you can also have a point of impact shift changing your zero vs using plain bags or a bipod and a rear bag. Lead sleds are even more notorious for doing this when you add a bunch of weights to them. Better off with a smooth leather saddle and rear bag that allows the rifle to recoil freely into your shoulder. I'd be curious to see you test this shooting side by side vs laying prone on the ground with a bipod and rear bag support or even putting a leather saddle on it and see what kind of groups you get?!

  3. I just saw you shoot with this and I already love it. I used to be an M-60 gunner back in the Army as an Airborne Infantryman and mech infantry. It is like the M122 Tripod for it. This is what I am really looking for. Your Econ # 1 video caused me to order one. If it is Airborne Infantry approved by you. I got one! I saw you shoot your 2 ARs with one and I am hooked!!!

  4. I have not seen a rest like that, but… for an AR, I see one problem…. Where will your magazine go? There is not enough room underneath for a standard mag because the rest is in the way. If those legs extend to make it taller, then the mag might fit between the legs.

  5. Hello, I truly enjoy watching your videos on YouTube. That said, with the current wave of censorship on that platform, I'd ask that you at the least consider mirroring your videos on bitchute. I will soon be deleting my YouTube account and I don't believe that I'm alone in this. Thank you for your consideration. 1A & 2A are both of vital importance

  6. Don’t mess with the bottom Allen screw on the turret(the doohickey you were messing with at the end of the video). It’s locktighted in and will start to back out under the stress of firing weapons. I bought one which had been returned for a sweet price only to find out the bearings were backing out under fire. Good thing is, called Caldwell and after some questions and emailing them a few pictures they took care it and now I have a brand new one. There is a turret lock wheel that will slow or stop rotation as needed. Love using it and it’s a great training aid, especially for younger shooters.

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