Be sure to stick around for the outtakes at the end!
This seemed like it was going to be impossible, but after I came up with a technique it was actually quite simple! Watch the end and you’ll see why I was so excited when I got it to work in the first part of the video (which was after I’d failed a ton of times).

Thanks for the video, almost pulled my barrel to get the pin out. Would have never seen the tiny ass c clip.
Thanks for the video, it helped a lot. I just gotta say… screw the c clamp. That has been the worst thing I've encountered with the Ar-15. Its an abomination to god.
first thing He says is not to loose the C clamp here i am…. awesome video tho it helped me a lot
Thanks a lot! Helped me get the job done first try
Excellent video! I was thinking I would have to remove the barrel to replace a broken cover spring! Sure glad I came across this video had it replaced in under 10 minutes!
Great vid, you made this super fast and easy clear to follow, had 0 issues and took just minutes
You should not be working on guns
You saved me bro.
Watched your video and was able to replace my dust cover in just 5 minutes! Thank you very much! Very nice, easy to follow video. Thank god that you mentioned tape to save the finish….I can see a large number of firearms getting marred up from this process
Thanks for the vid. I had a nightmare putting back that Clamp, lol…. It was a fight.
That little C clip was a booger though.
I almost lost it twice!
Thanks again. All good tips.
Was successful the first time!
Thank you.
mines different I don't have a gay clip on mine lol damn next video
How is it throughout the entire history of man, nobody especially in combat has ever complained about that little terrifying piece, getting damaged, losses, or missing?
Great instruction buddy! Done in 10 minutes with your help. Thank you!
I've never tried to replace my dust cover before. It didn't seem very complicated when I watched your video and it took me a whole 2 minutes maybe to complete the swap. I'm guessing from the comments that it has been a problem for alot of people so thanks for the great video. First try = perfect success..
Thank you for convincing me to use a gunsmith lol
Or as they say in Mexico: peace on you Senior!
THanks, I was trying the pulling c-clip too and was thinking the same thing when I found this.
Just get a Strike Industries Ultimate Dust Cover.
I don’t understand how it could be a nightmare!