Home AR-15 Luth-AR MBA 1&3 Stocks: Magpul PRS alternative

Luth-AR MBA 1&3 Stocks: Magpul PRS alternative


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Rob takes a look at the MBA-1 and MBA-3 stocks from Luth-AR. They’re lightweight, fully adjustable, and a perfect addition to any precision AR or bolt action chassis system.

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  1. I bought a few Luth AR pieces for my builds, and for the price and quality, if they make it, i use it instead of more costly alternatives with comparable features. More money doesn't mean more quality.

  2. The MBA-3 is absolutely junk for a precision rifle. The cheek piece is flimsy and supported only by one side, subsequently the cheek rest moves when cheek pressure is applied.
    The butt plate is absolutely useless because it is too soft of a rubber and bends when adjusted to any position beyond the neutral position.
    The rear LOP adjustment plate also has so much slop in it, that you cant even properly tighten it with the knob. The tolerances between the two mating portions is ridiculously large and will only have no slop and wobble in the shortest position.
    The adjustment screw for taking out slop between your buffer tube and stock will leave marks on your tube.

    Overall a good idea for a stock, but very poorly executed by the manufacturer. Stay away from this stock if you are looking for options on a PRS rifle.

    Luckily I was able to get a full refund on mine.

  3. i just returned mine. when you move the stock to the position that lets you operate the charging handle and not hit the cheek rest, the length of pull is so long i have to really blade off, and to see my scope i have to push my head way out. when i bought it i saw lots of holes, and the name 'modular' led me to believe i could adjust things.

  4. Hey, thanks or the vid. I would love to get the MBA-3 for my next AR build but I keep hearing that it interferes with the charging handle any info you can put out on that would be greatly appreciated thanks.

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