Home AR-15 Full Auto Friday! AR-15 vs AK-47!

Full Auto Friday! AR-15 vs AK-47!



A special thanks to FirstChoice Firearms!

It’s Full Auto Friday! For today’s video we have some fun with a full auto AR-15 and a full auto AK-47! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!

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  1. Although it was a close run between them… IMO, the AK-47 appears to be the best between the two of them! Not only with the grouping, but the knockdown punch from the AK-47 appears to be a much better power puncher! I'm going to say that the AR-15 is probably a little more accurate at a longer distance, but….a 30cal bullet will undoubtedly be more lethal than the 22cal bullet at any point of impact! Plus, the AK-47 will probably still be running/functional when the AR-15 is being worked on to get it back to functional use! I'm a big fan of the AR-10, just because of the 308 round… but an AK-47 chambered in a 308 round would be my first choice over all of these!! As always, another awesome/amazing FAF and thanks again for this great video!!!👏👏👏🤜🤛✌️🤟🤙👍👍👍💯💯💯😁

  2. first a banana clip to the head, then a horse fly get ya. way to start your video Scott 🤣🤣👍👍 as i watched more, i feel you have more control with the AK-47 than the AR-15. for an example with the watermelons, the second burst just right after the first watermelon (with the AK-47). i did like that last bottle just skidded across the grass, just went " NOOOOO" and done 🤣🤣

  3. Enjoyed the vid. Thank you. I don't get the obsession with reaching under to charge the AKM, but to each his own. I think the AK, all told. did better. In fairness, you are shooting a 16 point whateva barrel on the AK and running a short barrel on the AR. The power difference between the .223 and 7.62 M43 is pretty obvious in the video.

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