Home AR-15 Leupold Mark AR 1.5×4 Best Value AR 15 Scope

Leupold Mark AR 1.5×4 Best Value AR 15 Scope


The best value for you money is the Leupold Mark AR. It has great glass with a nice reticle. It has many features of the higher end scopes but won’t dent your bank account.

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  1. battle zero your scope then you won't have issues knocking it off…all you need to do is just turn it back to zero. Once you have it set to zero the leupold logo should be level. Once you do this you can turn your caps all you want. Resetting them is as easy to turning it back to zero. There should be an extremely small allen screw on the cap which will allow it to spin free. Just line up the zero and re-tighten it.

  2. how much does the illuminated dot cover in the Firedot SPR reticle? From what I've read it covers over an inch at 100 yard and i'm hoping that's not the case.. though i understand that to illuminate the middle they typically need thicker lines. Please let me know!

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