Use code “704Tactical” for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanet order anytime
SB Tactical BA-AK Stock Adapter 33% Off
UPC: 699618782349
SB Tactical Buffer Tube Folding Adapter, 2-Position
UPC: 699618782783
SB Tactical SBA3 Pistol Stabilizing AR Brace w/Mil-Spec Carbine Receiver Extension
UPC: 699618782455

Get back at me as soon as you can
How did you pop off the pin ?
wish i did this instead of the sb47
That is a bad 1 mother my friend cheers
Ok, so i know its been awhile but just came across this video, great vid btw. What castle nut works with the non folding option?
I really appreciate the information
Can you install an ace side folding stock adapter on a century arms draco? If so would you happen to know how?
Put a break on that thing.
How did you remove the retaining pin from the buffer tube?….its a bxtch
Sweet set up
Do u have a install video??
Will the grip adapter work on the chiappa pak-9
Will this work for the pak 9?
That new AR180 upper would be awesome with that folding adapter.
arm brace doesnt need to have a hole to stick your arm thru?…confused?…i dont like the century one it sucks
I keep anything I have braced just to keep money out of the hands of our communist government that is out of control
Just got a micro, think I'm gonna go with a single point qd rear attachment. Abolish the useless ATF
Thanks for posting this video. I just ordered one!
u can get the hole set for 150$ thats with the sba3
Could you pin it ?
Has anyone had a problem unthreading the tube after removeing the pin? I see most people hand removeing there's mines will not budge in a clap trying to turn with vice grips. Has anyone had this problem
Almost every person I know that has this brace uses a regular 5 position buffer tube and everything I have checked says it's fine. Where did that information come from?
Unless you have an ATF agent at the gun range measuring your length of pull. I highly doubt it would ever be an issue. Treating citizens like a felon over mere inches of the length of pull and barrel length is unconstitutional. A right is not a permission slip handed by the government. If we have to have the government's permission to own a firearm. It is not longer a right. I don't need permission from the government to own a firearm of my choosing. On top of that. It is unconstitutional to tax a right as well.
Is it legal to shoulder an arm brace
My thing is who tf would tell on you and make you go to court? How the hell would they know anyways if people want info on your firearm just walk away and tell them to mind their damn business like fr?
U really are worried about the fucking ATFs opinion on something ? They don't make laws fuck them and how they feel about it what happened to all that live free or die on your knees shit everyone was yelling u can't live free and change your weapon because your scared the ATF is going to arrest you over their opinion on something that's not living free that's living like a subject
Great video simply great