Home AR-15 AK47 vs AR-15 vs Cinderblock Wall

AK47 vs AR-15 vs Cinderblock Wall


Norinco Mac 90 & Rock River Arms Lar-15 vs a Sand filed cinderblock wall….

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  1. Perfect example of someone who don't know what they speak of, .233/5.56 is very lethal round, shit they're x-rays of wounds where the 5.56 hit a guy in the leg and the bullet stopped and shattered his femur, and another pic of a wound (x-ray of someone's shoulder which is shattered from the round. Google it

  2. THats BS, sure the AR is plenty accurate but I have no problem hitting a stationary man sized target at 500 yards with my AK. Not to mention .223 is significantly less lethal than the 7.62×39 considering it's smaller and NATO

  3. If the norm was being a lefty than this ak47 design would be almost perfect, except for the 2 steps it takes to put a magazine in, and being less accurate. I am considering the 7.62 or .308in an ar-15 platform. My beef is with the ak47 design. The 5.56 rd if it does what its supposed to, tumble or fragment will cause more damage than a 7.62 rd. If it doesnt tumble than the 7.62 will do more damage since its a larger rd. Regardless i wouldnt want to be hit by either.

  4. i dont think i would want to be in a shtf scenario using an ak47. especially in a fire fight, timing is everything, basic steps like putting a magazine in or having the charging handle on the right side, seems to me a poor design in the ak47, which takes longer to achieve compared to an ar-15. I would choose the ar-15 just because of these 2 faulty designs in the ak47.

  5. LOL WHAT! Your go-to-weapon for 200-250yd distances is an AK?? What kinda groups are you getting there, 10-12 MOA? Yeah, that AK needs to be able to fire more than 5000 rounds without lube because thats how many rounds it will take for you to hit anything at 250 yds with an AK.

    I'll take my Colt which needs lube after 2000+ rounds but can get 1 1/2" groupings at 300yds.

  6. Anyone who wants and AR that WILL MALFUNCTION and will need REPLACEMENT PARTS and that needs to be LUBED EVERY 1000 rounds in a shtf situation more power to ya but id rather have an AK as my 200-250 yrd battle rifle. While your lubing your AR ill be on my 5000 th round with no maintenance at all.. AK hands down.

  7. LOL, Like most of the ak owners are going to use it to kill people, i know some may use it for when something bad happens. And there have been alot of U.s military persons using the ak in fact Izmash the creator of ak currently makes ak riffles for the russian militarily put a video of u.s soldiers and how they like the a.k better than their m4s and m16s, alot of them complained about how small the .223 was and didn't have enough stopping power.

  8. The AR platform is only superior in a very few ways… there's no AR in the world that will take the dirt, torture, and abuse that an AK will take, and still run with no problems. Ask any soldier that's spent any RECENT time in the sandbox, and they'll tell you the same thing.

  9. Not really, the AK 7.62x39mm is actually small. The round is a rifle round but the cartridge is very small. Compare the Soviet 7.62x39mm with the NATO 7.62x51mm. There is a massive difference in size. The AK cartridge is similar in size to the AR 5.56 cartridge. You have a small amount of force pushing a large object. That's why Russia no longer uses the 7.62x39mm round. It's the reason they created a new round for the AK-74 that is similar to the 5.56 NATO round.

  10. Where did he say it was a test?! He does exactly what the title tells: Use these two rifles to shoot the shit out of a cinderblock wall. Never did he say that he is comparing the two or that one is better than the other

  11. i would like to point out he got the round the russians switched to wrong lol they changed to the 5.45 witch is better on soft targets and the 7.62 is a hole punch. so in my opion the 7.62 x39 has it's own job of punching holes in cover, and the 5.56 and the 5.45 are the 2 rounds that should be compaired

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