Home AR-15 M4 Bushmaster Range 2

M4 Bushmaster Range 2


Some Chapter 2 fun with that cool little Bushmaster M4 / AR15 I just don’t get out often enough. What a compact and effective little firearm! I think I’ll keep it. 🙂
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  1. I have that exact same gun and I love it because: 1. It is the shortest you can legally own w/out additional paperwork because the pinned flash-hider keeps the barrel length at 16" . . . guns with removable flashs hiders must, by law, have longer barrels . . . . 2. the fixed iron sights are all you need – set and forget 0 there not gonna move even if you drop it or throw it in your truck – your windage aint goin' nowhere, and you got your short range/long ranger aperature . . . . there is nothing to come loose or fall off, and 4. it just plain looks super retro cool esp with that teardrop fwd asst. I personallt believe that this particular version may become highly collectible in the future. It's purely form following function. VERY VINTAGE AND VERY MODERN AT THE SAME TIME!

  2. 14.5 in barrel we have a 16 normally, some have automatic and some have burst fire depends on the model, but the soldiers i talk to said the civilian version is just as good because 95% of the time they dont use auto and burst they use semi so there the same, colt has even quit marking there guns ar15 they last few ive come across actually have m4 carbine printed on them, you can get the 14.5 have in barrel if you get a tax stamp or get one with a permanent flash suppressor attatched

  3. Actually, the Commando in Call of Duty Black Ops is a CAR-15 otherwise known as the "Commando." The difference between a CAR-15 and the M4 is the M4 has a 14.5 inch barrel and can be fired in semi-automatic or three round burst mode. The CAR-15 has a 10 inch barrel I think either that or it's a tad bit longer or shorter, and can be fired in semi-automatic and full automatic mode. The M4A1 is the same as the M4, but can fire fully automatic instead of three round burst.

  4. Mr. Hickok- Thank You for your efforts. I am a law enforcement officer, trained with this rifle, but have never owned one. I have just ordered a copy from bud's gun shop and anxiously await its arrival. The next step is to find a quantity of magazines and some reasonably-priced ammunition.

  5. @justinRkeaton
    I have already stated that every video uploader has their own unique style and I enjoy watching both FPS and hickok(previous person took their comment down). Im not a troll, but just responding to WozzWozz's comment in the complete opposite. I agree with the rest of your comment, but you dont have to take everyones comment so serious. thats why the "L-O-L" was there.

  6. @Noremorse10 , I blocked this character Everett, or whoever he is. AFter all the goofiness he posted here, I nearly blocked him. This morning I noticed he was trying to get started over on an M1-A video. I'm not sure which is worse, a regular "no-life" troll, or someone who knows just enough about firearms to be dangerous but takes on the "troll" life. 🙂

  7. @bananasqueek The full auto gun he shoots the watermelons with is not this gun. He was borrowing a CAR-15 from a friend. CAR-15s are very early M4 style rifles. AR-15 came before the M-4 and M-16 designations as the M-4 and M-16 are based very closely one it. As was said, a few small changes and you basically have the exact same thing.

  8. @bananasqueek Lol well ultimately Im just trying to say that the M16 and M4 are full auto (With the M16A2 I believe being 3 round burst instead of full) The with some modifications you could have a civilian AR15 go full auto, with legal ramifications to follow lol but they are semi auto. They are basically the same rifle/carbine. Others can feel free to correct me if i am wrong. In the video you refer too he quite possibly could be firing a fully auto AR but I guess technically Id call it an M16

  9. The reason your M4 isnt jamming is cus your not in like a war zone where there could be mud, or dirt, or rain, etc. soo it wouldnt just jam unless you were in those areas..

  10. @bananasqueek AR15 is the civilian version of the M16 or M4 its pretty much the same except semi automatic. The M4 is a carbine and differs from the M16 by being quite a bit shorter and usually having a collapsible stock.

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