As reported earlier, the California Department of Justice recently proposed “emergency” regulations that, if adopted, would require federally compliant IDs whenever attempting to purchase a firearm and, beginning July 1, 2019, any ammunition in the state of California. In response, NRA and CRPA have today submitted a comprehensive opposition letter highlighting the many flaws with DOJ’s proposal.
As stated in NRA and CRPA’s comment letter, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have expressly stated that federally complaint IDs are not required for firearm transactions. The letter also highlights how both California and federal law directly conflict with DOJ’s proposal. What’s more, DOJ’s “Findings of Emergency” are based on nothing more than speculation and therefore insufficient to justify any emergency regulations.
Members should know that there is still time to submit comments on DOJ’s proposal. We encourage all our members to do so. Any comments must be submitted in writing, contain a notation that the comment is for consideration by California’s Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”), identify the topic of the emergency regulations, and be submitted simultaneously to both DOJ and OAL. You can send your comments either via mail or email using the following information:
Identification Requirements for Firearms and Ammunition Eligibility Checks
Department of Justice Office of Administrative Law
Bureau of Firearms 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1250
Attn: Jacqueline Dosch Sacramento, CA 95814
P.O. Box 160487 staff@oal.ca.gov
Sacramento, CA 95816
Any comments should be submitted no later than June 21, 2019.
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