The California Department of Justice on Monday filed an “emergency regulations” proposal. If adopted, Californians would be required to have REAL IDs to purchase firearms and ammunition beginning on July 1. The proposal is being made despite the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives previously saying Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) could continue to non-federally compliant driver’s licenses and identification cards.
If a person doesn’t have a REAL ID, buyers are required to provide documentation, in conjunction with their non-REAL ID, showing they’re legal citizens and are allowed to possess a firearm.
Acceptable forms of documentation include:
(1) Valid, unexpired U.S. passport or passport card.
(2) Certified copy of U.S. birth certificate.
(3) U.S. Certificate or Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a U.S. Citizen.
(4) Valid, unexpired foreign passport with valid U.S. immigrant visa and approved Record of Arrival/Departure (I-94) form.
(5) Certified copy of birth certificate from a U.S. Territory.
(6) Certificate of Naturalization or U.S. Citizenship.
(7) Valid, unexpired Permanent Resident Card.
If a person’s name is different between the driver’s license and the documentation they provides, the applicant has to prove there was a name change.
Acceptable documents include:
(1) An adoption document that contains the legal name of the applicant as a result of the adoption.
(2) A name change document that contains the applicant’s legal name both before and, as a result of, the name change.
(3) A marriage certificate.
(4) A dissolution of marriage document that contains the legal name of the applicant as a result of the court action.
(5) A certificate, declaration or registration document verifying the formation of a domestic partnership.
(6) A dissolution of domestic partnership document that contains the legal name of the
applicant as a result of the court action.
Because the California DOJ filed this under an “emergency regulation,” the public participation process is limited to five days.
When a person gets a driver’s license or ID card, their identity is supposed to be verified. That’s why it’s been an acceptable form of identifying someone for so long. When someone applies for their license they have to take in a birth certificate, provide their fingerprint and verify their identity. California opened themselves up to a can of worms when they began issuing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Now the state’s IDs are no longer federally compliant.
The reason the IDs are no longer federally compliant is because of Assembly Bill 60, which gave driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. In fact, the American Conservative Liberties Union of Northern California provided a guide for illegal aliens who have licenses under AB 60 because other states and federal jurisdictions don’t recognize their ID as legitimate.
These are the documents that are acceptable for non-federally compliant IDs:
• Certifed [sic] copy of a U.S. Birth Certifcate [sic] (issued by a city, county, or state vital statistics offce [sic]).
• Valid/unexpired U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card.
• U.S. Certifcate [sic] of Birth Abroad or Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a U.S. Citizen.
• Federal Proof of Indian Blood Degree (issued by U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs).
• Military Identifcation [sic] Card, Common Access Card (Active Military, Active Reserve, or Active Selected Reserve), or DD-214.
• American Indian Card.
• U.S. Citizen Identifcation [sic] Card.
• Certifcate [sic] of Naturalization or Certifcate [sic] of U.S. Citizenship.
• Northern Mariana Card.
• Mexican Border Crossing Card with a valid I-94.
• Canadian birth certifcate. [sic]
• Valid/unexpired Permanent Resident Card/Resident Alien Card.
• Temporary Resident Identifcation [sic] Card.
• Nonresident Alien Canadian Border Crossing Card.
• Valid/unexpired foreign passport with an
approved Record of Arrival/Departure (I-94).
Gun owners are now having to jump through hoops, at the last minute, because California decided to meddle down the identification process and provide driver’s licenses to anyone and everyone. Now California gun owners are being forced to get REAL IDs because the state wanted to treat everyone as a citizen.
Bravo, California. Once again, you had to complicate things.
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