In this video we are going to do a new spin on the ar rifle vs ar pistol. In this video on AR VS AR 15 pistol, we are going to be pitting two of Bacon’s AR 15 setup s, first an ar 15 setup for home defense and an original ar 15 rifle. this is set to be an ar 15 vs m4 style and we included 556 vs 223 for your viewing pleasure. This is not a brownells retro rifle….but i could be…
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Leave your suggestions:
Nice editing on your shots. Thank you
The pig on the end of that "metro" mad a 55 gallon drum ring with just concussion…..
Bacon for the win bitches!!!! Shooting my 24” bull barrel ar is boring accuracy at 500 yards…. love it
Run the BRN-601! Way better!
Personally, I wouldn't go lower than 11.5 for a good AR Pistol…
Retro Ar won that run n gun
The retro guns( at least from Brownells) are stupid expensive. I'll take the modern version for a third of the price.
That dudes a truck house!
I'm thinking about switching my 10.5 for a 12.5 because the numbers look significantly better; can you confirm these better numbers?
Bear Creek Arsenal makes a really nice five set screw low pro gas block you oughta try, and Midwest Industries makes a really high quality blast diverter and flash suppressor for 30 bucks.
Jesus man, I never realized how identical you two are HAHA Had me confused there for a sec, I'm going with Metro! And Retro? Let's say both Lol
I like both of those AR's. I enjoy the hell out of my AR pistol. My intentions are more less a defensive gun at 200 yards and in, PSA 10.5" with Shockwave blade. Also currently building a retro style, but it's not exactly retro, it's a 20" upper with a 17" Mlok free float rail from BCA, CMMG lower parts kit, Ruger milspec trigger, UTG A2 buttstock, PSA freedom lower. However it may have a free float rail, but I'm still adding a carry handle (JE machine/milspec) and a troy fixed front sight.
For those who question BCA products, I recommend the channels 704tactical and Focustrip, especially Focustrip, many rounds through various BCA rifles and pistols.
Thanks to VSO for the fun video, and yes, VSO should build a retro style classic but with some VSO personality! I'd say both y'all come out equal as no one really blew the other out of the water on hits or speed, but perhaps a shot timer and a competion target of sime sort shoukd be used to calculate the score for an exact win.
Good to know bacon isnt a tactical elitist. Bca barrel I was suprised.
BCA and Anderson! It's amazing they were able to even complete a video without a catastrophic failure.
I'm a big fan of 18 or 20 inch barrels for longer ranges; however, having a AR "pistol" rig set up as home defense/truck gun has it's advantages. My current go-to AR for the house or out and about the property is my AR pistol with a 11.3 BA barrel built on BCM and Geissele components. Ultimately it's all about METT-T and purpose. My 11.3 rig hits out to 300 yards on a 10 inch steel plate with boring consistency and groups 1-1.5 at 100 all day long when shooting from alternate positions and run and guns.
Different tools for different roles
Blue shirt looses! Pat Mac says always engage the safety wile running or transitioning! Or stay out of my lane!
I’m pretty sure that’s you!
Blue shirt looses! Pat Mac says always engage the safety wile running or transitioning! Or stay out of my lane!
I’m pretty sure that’s you!
I have three retro's A1, A2 and A4 clones… all three rock and get hits out to the 500 as God intended.
I will take an Ma16A4 than any built or pimped out carbine any day …
Retro rules…
every time i seen number rifle vs pistol they are virtually the same. in our state i would say the pistol is king since you can legally have it loaded in a car both with or with out a concealed carry permit (with out has to be visible from out side the vehicle
Boff won
20" master race, everything else is a compromise
Finally some 20" love! 20s rock. Hopefully they make a comeback soon.
Why not 300BLK in your 10.5”?
Proof positive the camera makes you look 40 pounds heavier
I love the retro set up, I love the 20 inch rifles.
Jumpy video
20” ftw
Bacon's da winner
Bacon for the WIN with the ugliest reload EVER, real life.
Retro all the way! They line the walls of my house.
OMG! Someone running a BCA barrel!
You know that there's no way it can hit anything, it'll have to jam continuously, the barrel will be shot out in less than 2 mags, and it'll probably blow up on you and kill everyone within 50 miles because… It's not Daniel Defence or BCM!