Home AR-15 Introducing the New York LEGAL AR-15

Introducing the New York LEGAL AR-15


The ignorance of gun controllers wither before the ingenuity of gun owners. In this video you will see live footage of the new legal AR-15 that is compliant with the SAFE Act. You will also get a breakdown of some of the idiocy of the Act by a gun shop owner and former State Trooper.

Thanks to Rich and the Gun Shop at MacGregors
1180 Glens Falls Mtn. Rd
Lake Luzerne, NY 12846

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  1. Shameful !! This weapon has been ABORTIONIZED!! Worse, the leaders in New York campaign in favor of gun rights, only to limit and restrict those rights once in office.

  2. NY Gov – Ya lets have laws like TAXES but wait – If we really wanna compete with the rest of the Country we must forget our laws and regulations for Lets say AMAZON – Lets TAX THE SHIT out of the normal every day guy / company but the Rich Billionaire Companies – Na they need a Tax break. FUCK OFF-COMMO

  3. You New Yorkers wanted this stupid Safe Act bullshit. Now you are nothing but sheeps waiting to be lead to the slaughterhouse. For the violent armed criminals and gangs are having a field day in your state.

  4. how much was the example a.r selling for? I'm just trying to be prepared when the dummy's running the show finally run us int the ground. thinking about a build but if I can have a complete for reasonable price.

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