Please contact your State Legislators Today!
Next Tuesday, June 18, the Senate Public Safety Committee is scheduled to hear anti-gun bills, AB 12 and AB 61. Please use the TAKE ACTION button below to contact the members of the Senate Public Safety Committee and urge them to OPPOSE AB 12 and AB 61.
Assembly Bill 12, sponsored by Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin (D-44), would extend the duration of California’s “gun violence restraining order” law from one year to a period of up to five years. Meaning a person could be prohibited from owning and possessing firearms for five years at a time without ever being adjudicated mentally ill or convicted of a crime, but based on third party allegations.
Assembly Bill 61, sponsored by Assembly Member Philip Ting (D-19), would expand the list of those eligible to file “gun violence restraining orders” beyond the currently authorized reporters which include immediate family and law enforcement. The new list is expanded to employers, coworkers and employees of a secondary or postsecondary school that the person has attended in the last 6 months. GVRO’s can remove a person’s Second Amendment Rights, not based on criminal convictions or mental adjudications, but based on third party allegations often without due process until weeks after a person’s rights have been suspended.
On Wednesday, June 19, the Assembly Appropriations Committee has scheduled Senate Bill 220. Please use the TAKE ACTION button below to contact the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee and urge them to OPPOSE SB 220.
Senate Bill 220, sponsored by Senator Jerry Hill (D-13), would further increase the mandatory storage and security requirements for licensed firearms dealers. California already has some of the strictest laws in the country regarding how dealers must store and secure firearms. This bill simply places more costs and mandates on law-abiding business owners.
Earlier this week, the Senate Public Safety Committee passed three anti-gun bills. Assembly Bill 893 has been referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee. We will inform you when a hearing date has been set. Also heard were Assembly Joint Resolution 4 and Assembly Joint Resolution 5 with both being sent to the Senate floor and can be voted on any day. Please use the TAKE ACTION button below to contact your state Senator and urge him/her to OPPOSE AJR 4 and AJR 5.
Assembly Joint Resolution 4, sponsored by Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-4), would encourage Congress to adopt the Background Checks Act of 2019.
Assembly Joint Resolution 5, sponsored by Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-59), would urge the federal government to adopt universal firearm laws using California as an example. California is far from the example when it comes to firearm laws. Lawful gun owners must navigate a maze of gun laws that are ever changing. Each year the legislature considers numerous proposals that continue to place additional restrictions and costs on lawful gun owners while ignoring the fact that criminals are already ignoring the hundreds of laws on the books.
Assembly Bill 893, sponsored by Assembly Member Todd Gloria (D-78), would prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition at the Del Mar fairgrounds located in the 22nd District Agricultural Association on and after January 1, 2021.
Assembly Appropriations Committee:
Senate Bill 220 was passed Assembly Public Safety Committee earlier this week and is scheduled to be heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on June 18.
Senate Bill 220, sponsored by Senator Jerry Hill (D-13), would further increase the mandatory storage and security requirements for licensed firearms dealers. California already has some of the strictest laws in the country regarding how dealers must store and secure firearms. This bill simply places more costs and mandates on law-abiding business owners.
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