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AR-15 Pistols represent a readily accessible PDW option for those of us on the move that may want or need a little extra firepower.
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You had me up until you said "man bag"!
That's nuts that people would think that. A short barrel doesn't make it inaccurate. You just lose velocity. The slower the bullet the longer gravity, wind and so on has to work on that bullet before it reaches its target. But the silliness of this is that you have pistols that people manage to shoot far distances because they know how to compensate for that lengthened time to the target. I'm sorry I can't remember the gentleman's name but on utube he took a standard 9mm pistol and hit a target at 1000 yards away. I think it was on iraq veteran 8888's channel. That 223 or 556 is moving much faster even out of the short barrel than a 9mm any day.
Why do you have to be "STUCK WITH" other people RULING OVER YOU when you're not hurting anyone else? (NO VICTIM, NO CRIME!!!!)
Look man gun fights much closer.
I didn’t watch this vid and neither should you lol.. I’ll save you 11 minutes, a gun is as accurate as its shooter within reason.. I don’t mean this little ar-pistol at 500 yards but with in reason
About as accurate as a idk a pistol.
This video is fucking garbage. Thanks for testing on a windy day when people want to know its reliability outside of a cyclone??? Also 100-200 yards… people want to see it shot at 10" 16" barrel distances to see how far the velocity of lower to higher grain bullets would do the most penetration but the most travel in a AR pistol build.
Terminal Velocity? Kinetic Energy? At least up to 100-200 Yards?
God damn his ar pistol looks amazing! What a beauty

And now we can shoulder them
my g32 4inch barrel 357sig ht 6.6 inches low at 100 yrds and thats 3.5 inches shorter then a higher velocity 5.56. so i tend to agree here 250-300 yrds is not unresonable
Great vid! I am not entirely convinced thought that a short barrel AR-15 is the right tool for short distances either. It seems too much of a compromise on a AR.
Put those oxy-acetylene tanks upright! I hope you dont drive around with those missiles like that… lol
But what is the terminal effect out that far?
I can see them being effective within 100yds but the limiting factor is that round loses so much speed(the essential part of a tiny round) unless you figure out a custom powder load that'll burn quicker & is specific to that rig alone to make most of the 7" instead of 10"-20". Maybe a "gallery powder", whatever that is, iv8888 was using it & it makes the rounds hustle with a MUCH smaller powder charge.
Screw the ATF. I got the Magpul UBR stock on my 7.5 inch “rifle”. But I live in Appalachia
What type of scope is that
lmao, some kids paint ISIS shit on a fucking rock to fuck with people and you were acting like a full scale ISIS invasion was imminent. lmfao
I don't think ISIS is going to give you time to get your bench and rest set up. Lol
Can’t you add a stock on it?
Thanks man I’m getting mine soon. Video answered a few questions I was still a little curious about
Whats the process on traveling or moving to another state with your pistol?
Hey thanks for the video bro can you recommend some budget type optics for an AR pistol Say around a 100 bucks
Thanks for the video!
Yeah starting to get annoyed everytime the AR pistols come up or out its always the same "you went with 7.5"? Don't you care about accuracy?"
Center mass at 50 yds with irons and man sized at 100yds isn't enough? Is my response, that's almost farther than I can see
Man…I think the concussion/blast from such a short 5.56 would almost be as dangerous as getting hit by the bullet!
That’s pretty awesome how you made this video with the drone. I don’t know how you did that but that a super cool skill!
How well do these do for appendix carry?